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CADET -the Cad Text Editor
Version 4.0 User's Manual
Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Steve Waskow
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Wasco Technical Software
1211 Grand Junction Drive
Katy, TX 77450
Phone/Fax: (713) 392-1359 CompuServe: 72020,2031
CADET and CADET - the CAD Text Editor
are trademarks of Wasco Technical Software
The Cadet software programs, User's Manual and documentation are:
Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Steve Waskow
Wasco Technical Software.
Portions of the software are Copyright 1989, 1990 by Acropolis
Software, and are used and distributed under license to Wasco
Technical Software.
All rights to the Cadet software and the accompanying Cadet
documentation are reserved by Steve Waskow and Wasco Technical
AutoCAD & AutoLISP are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc.
Other brand and product names mentioned herein are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders.
CADET v4.0 1 User's Manual
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Configuration Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Typematic Rate Accelerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Symbol Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Dictionary Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Configuration Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Directory Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
COM Port Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
AutoCAD 386/Extended AutoLISP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Memory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Sorting Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Text Pitch Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Table Tolerance Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Enable Text Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Automated Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Manual Installation (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Changing Cadet Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Adding Cadet to AutoCAD's Support Path . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Running Cadet on a Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Running Cadet on a Ram Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Running Transfer Files in a Ram Disk . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Running CADET.DIC in a Ram Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Running Cadet Executables in a Ram Disk . . . . . . . . . . 13
AutoLISP Function Name Conflicts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
First Time Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
LOADING CADET ROUTINES IN AUTOCAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
CADET COMMAND LINE MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
CADET from DOS and CADET-External File (CX) . . . . . . . . . . 18
CADET-AlignText (CA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
CADET-JustifyText (CJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
CADET-SetText (CS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
CADET-PlusText (CP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
CADET-MultiText (CM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
CADET-Notes (CN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
CADET-Create Table (CC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
CADET-Import (CI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
CADET-Edit (CE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
CADET-Edit Attributes (CEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
CADET-Edit Global (CEG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
CADET-Edit Table (CET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
CADET-Edit Notes (CEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
CADET-Restore (CR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
CADET v4.0 2 User's Manual
USING THE CADET EDITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Cursor Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Mouse Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Insert/Overwrite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Editor Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
AutoIndent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Type Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Tab Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Tab Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Squeeze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Status Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Special Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Pull-Down Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Pick Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Sorting Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Deleting Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Deleting Text Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Inserting Text Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Block Operations (Cut-and-Paste) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Search-and-Replace, Find-Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Changing Case, Height and Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Changing Line Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Importing and Exporting Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Spelling Checker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Word-Wrap and Reformat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Zoom Toggle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
View Relative Text Positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Saving and Leaving Cadet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
CADET EDITOR COMMAND REFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Cursor Movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Special Symbols and Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Editing Keys and Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
PROBLEMS AND ERROR MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
AutoCAD Interfaces Do Not Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
AutoCAD Interfaces Load but Cadet Fails . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Did I Change That? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Mouse/Digitizer Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
CADET v4.0 3 User's Manual
Cadet is a professional software system which allows you to
create, edit and manipulate text in AutoCAD. Cadet can create and
edit text tables and drawing notes, and edits attributes as easily
as text. Although fundamentally an AutoCAD editor, Cadet can also
edit common ASCII text files from DOS or AutoCAD. Other Cadet
features allow you to import and export drawing text, change text
justifications, align crooked text columns, add to existing text,
set text defaults by pick, and enter multiple lines of text at any
The Cadet editor is a full-screen text editor with mouse support -
you can freely cursor about, editing in either insert or overwrite
mode. Cadet's typematic rate accelerator allows fast cursor
movements. You can edit up to 2000 lines of text and attributes
at once, each up to 255 characters in length. The text can be
displayed sorted by columns or rows based on drawing position, or
in the order it was picked. With a VGA/EGA monitor, Cadet can
zoom to 50/43 line display.
Access Cadet commands by menu or shortcut keys. Cadet has full
mouse support, pull-down menus, point-and-shoot pick lists, and
on-line help. Cadet's comprehensive status lines display cursor
position, speed, insert mode, text height, style, attribute data,
sort order, word wrap and line spacing.
Cadet's integrated spelling checker includes a 112,000+ word
dictionary - you can select from suggested spellings, edit, skip
or add words to the dictionary. For text files and drawing notes,
Cadet has automatic indention, smart tabs, word wrap, and
paragraph and document reformat features. Cadet also can change
the line spacing, and insert new lines of text into existing notes
and text tables.
Cadet's search-and-replace and find-text functions include case
sensitivity, whole word and global searches. Use Cadet to change
text height, style and case on a line, block or global basis. You
can cut-and-paste, insert, delete, copy, or move lines of text.
Delete text by character, word, line or block.
View, enter and edit AutoCAD's special characters for degrees,
plus or minus, and circle diameter symbols - without the %% codes.
Add and edit overscores and underscores as well. Cadet's
emergency restore feature can allow you to recover Cadet text in
the event of power loss or failure.
CADET v4.0 4 User's Manual
This chapter contains important information, please read it
completely before beginning your Cadet installation. Using the
supplied installation program is the simplest way to install Cadet
and configure your ACAD.PGP and ACAD.LSP files. An alternate
method is outlined for installing Cadet manually. First we will
discuss system requirements and a few of the configuration
Cadet's requirements are basically the same as DOS versions of
AutoCAD. Cadet requires an IBM AT, PS/2 or 286/386/486 compatible
with 640K RAM, hard disk, and MS-DOS 3.1 or higher. An XT version
is available by special request. Cadet works with all 286 and 386
DOS versions of AutoCAD R9 and up, using a minimum AutoCAD shell
space of 260000 bytes. Optional support of 43/50 line text mode
is provided for EGA/VGA displays.
Cadet has a built-in typematic rate accelerator, which speeds up
the cursor movement on late model 286/386/486 class computers.
Cadet determines, to the extent possible, if your system BIOS
supports acceleration and enables it accordingly. It is not
always possible to determine a computer type precisely, so the
Cadet installation allows you to override defaults. You can also
set the default typematic speed, and leave the system accelerated
after exiting Cadet.
The Cadet editor translates %%d, %%p and %%c character codes
(degree, plus/minus and circle diameter) into the true symbols.
AutoCAD's dimensioning feature produces a different set of codes -
ASCII codes 127, 128 and 129 - to draw the same symbols. Cadet
can translate these ASCII codes as well, but translates them all
back as "%%" codes. Translation of ASCII 127, 128 and 129 codes
to "%%" codes is not desirable with some third party fonts which
do not support AutoCAD's definitions, since incorrect symbols may
result. This portion of the translation can be disabled during
For speed, Cadet's spelling checker sets up a dictionary cache in
memory. The default and recommended cache size is 511 blocks. A
CADET v4.0 5 User's Manual
bigger cache can increase performance on slow hard drives by using
some of the memory otherwise reserved for text. If memory for
Cadet's shell is limited, a smaller cache can increase the memory
available for text at some cost of performance. The cache can be
set to any value between 0 and 1023. Zero or any value less than
100 turns the cache off.
Cadet uses eight global AutoLISP variables, set in your ACAD.LSP
and CADET.LSP files, to store configuration defaults. These are
automatically set by the CADETIN installation/configuration
program. You can make permanent changes by rerunning CADETIN or
by manually editing the files. Temporary changes can be made in
AutoCAD by the Cadet command's Options menu, or by issuing
AutoLISP SETQ commands at the AutoCAD command prompt.
Two global AutoLISP variables are used to specify Cadet
directories. The path must be enclosed by quotes and use forward
slashes (not backslashes). Directories must be terminated by a
slash. The CADETL variable specifies the path of Cadet's AutoLISP
files. The CADETD variable specifies the path for Cadet's
read/write operations. Both are set to the Cadet directory by
default. Typical examples would be:
Special uses for the CADETD variable and a companion DOS
environmental variable, CADET, are detailed in the RUNNING CADET
The variable CADETC controls whether or not Cadet resets the COM
ports after returning to AutoCAD from the editor. See
MOUSE/DIGITIZER PROBLEMS for a discussion of when this may be
necessary. Set CADETC to true or any value other than NIL to
enable COM port resets.
Cadet employs two sets of AutoLISP files, depending on the amount
of AutoLISP memory in the system. If AutoCAD 386 or AutoCAD R10+
with Extended AutoLISP is used, Cadet loads the file CADET40X.LSP
which contains the entire suite of Cadet functions.
CADET v4.0 6 User's Manual
If a 286 version of AutoCAD R9+ with Regular AutoLISP is used,
Cadet uses demand loading and unloading techniques with six files;
WTSR40.LSP. This method gives somewhat slower access, but is
necessary in a limited memory environment.
The AutoLISP variable CADETB controls which files are used. Set
CADETB to NIL for Regular AutoLISP. Set CADETB to true or to any
value other than NIL for AutoCAD 386/Extended AutoLISP:
If you are using AutoCAD 386 or Extended AutoLISP you can
disregard this section. Cadet's memory management is applicable
only to 286 versions of AutoCAD using Regular AutoLISP.
In Regular AutoLISP, loading two or more of Cadet's AutoLISP
routines at once can degrade their performance or, depending on
what else is loaded, exceed AutoLISP's available memory. Cadet's
memory management avoids this by using demand loading and
unloading techniques. When you execute a Cadet routine, it
"unloads" any other active Cadet routine and loads itself into the
freed up memory. All Cadet routines remain accessible, loading
automatically when called.
If you switch between Cadet applications often, have few other
AutoLISP applications and are willing to sacrifice performance to
avoid loading time, you can disable Cadet's memory management with
the AutoLISP variable CADETM. Setting CADETM to true or to any
value other than NIL disables memory management. For example:
Another Cadet configuration variable controls which text
coordinates are used for row and column sorting. When editing
text, CE can use either the insert point of center, middle and
right justified text for the sorting coordinates, or the text's
lower left coordinates. The AutoLISP variable CADETS controls
which point is used. CE uses the default insert point when CADETS
is absent or set to NIL. Set CADETS to true or to any value other
than NIL to use lower left coordinates. For example:
CADET v4.0 7 User's Manual
When creating new text with Cadet, the default vertical spacing
between lines is the text pitch factor times the text height. A
1.619 factor is used by many of AutoCAD's furnished text fonts for
spacing lines with the DTEXT command, and is Cadet's default.
Cadet routines allow you to enter any pitch you desire at
execution time, but you can change the default to save keystrokes
if you consistently use a text pitch of different proportions.
Cadet uses a global AutoLISP variable CADETP to store the default
pitch factor. If CADETP is absent or NIL, Cadet sets it to 1.619.
Use reasonable values. Values of less than 1.0 overlap text, and
unless you desire a double-spaced look, you should not use a value
greater than 2.0. For example:
When editing existing text with Cadet, text items are sorted into
rows and columns based on their position in the AutoCAD drawing -
their X and Y coordinates. Cadet uses a table tolerance factor to
allow a certain amount of misalignment in the row and column
positions. This is especially important in the Cadet-Edit Table
interface, which expects reasonably aligned text and corrects
misalignments after editing. The default tolerance factor is 1.0.
Cadet uses 0.5 times the tolerance factor times the average text
height for vertical tolerance, and 1.5 times the tolerance factor
times the average text height for horizontal tolerance.
You can tighten or relax the tolerance by setting Cadet's global
AutoLISP variable CADETT. If CADETT is absent or NIL, Cadet sets
it to 1.0. Cadet allows CADETT settings between 0.1 and 2.0.
Smaller values tighten the tolerance, larger values loosen it.
For instance, to tighten the tolerance to 0.33 times text height
vertically and 0.99 times text height horizontally, set CADETT to
0.66 (0.5 x 0.66 = 0.33 vertical, 1.5 x 0.66 = 0.99 horizontal):
Cadet's emergency text restore feature (see CADET-RESTORE)
requires extra files to be written, adding to the overhead for all
Cadet-Edit interfaces. To use this feature, you must enable it
with Cadet's global AutoLISP variable CADETR. CADETR is set to
NIL by default, disabling restore files. Set CADETR to true or
any value other than NIL to enable restore files:
CADET v4.0 8 User's Manual
CADETIN.EXE is Cadet's installation/configuration program. Log
onto the drive and directory which contains the Cadet programs and
enter "CADETIN" at the DOS prompt. For new Cadet installations or
upgrades, choose INSTALLATION. To change the defaults of an
existing Cadet installation, choose CONFIGURATION. To continue,
just follow the on-screen instructions.
CADETIN updates or creates the file CADET.CFG and updates
CADET.LSP. The CADET.CFG file must always be located in the same
directory as CADET.EXE. The CADETIN program also automatically
locates all ACAD.LSP and ACAD.PGP files, and prompts for
confirmation before adding the Cadet interface to each.
Skip this section if you have used CADETIN for full installation.
This section describes how you can manually install Cadet if you
do not want the installation program to create directories or
modify your ACAD.PGP and ACAD.LSP files. You will need an ASCII
text editor (Cadet itself can be used) to edit your ACAD.PGP and
ACAD.LSP files.
First, choose or make a directory for Cadet and use the DOS COPY
command to copy all Cadet files into it. From the Cadet
directory, run the CADETIN installation/configuration program in
CONFIGURATION mode to set options in CADET.CFG and CADET.LSP.
Answer No to the prompts for ACAD.PGP and ACAD.LSP modification.
Next, edit your ACAD.PGP file, or, create one if none exists. If
your system has more than one ACAD.PGP file, make the same
additions to all of them. Add two lines to the bottom of ACAD.PGP
as shown. These examples assume Cadet is in the C:\ACAD\CADET
directory - you will need to substitute the path of your Cadet
directory if different. While Cadet works with as little as
260000 bytes, we recommend you use 300000 or more bytes in your
ACAD.PGP file's Cadet commands.
If you need a batch file to run digitizer utilities for mouse
emulation outside of AutoCAD, use CADET4 instead of CADET for the
program name. See MOUSE/DIGITIZER PROBLEMS for details on the use
of the CADET4.BAT file.
Last, you must add a copy of the CADET.LSP file into your ACAD.LSP
file. If you do not have an ACAD.LSP file, you must create one.
If your system has more than one ACAD.LSP file, make the same
CADET v4.0 9 User's Manual
additions to all of them. Simply use your text editor to import
your CADET.LSP file into the bottom of ACAD.LSP. No other changes
are necessary. Do not attempt to edit protected ACAD.LSP files.
If you see the message "AutoCAD PROTECTED LISP file", do not
attempt to edit it - you must manually load Cadet as needed.
A color configuration program, CADETCFG, allows you to
interactively modify Cadet's default colors. To use CADETCFG,
change to the Cadet directory and enter "CADETCFG" at the DOS
A sample Cadet screen is displayed with a list of items with
unique colors. Use the [Up] and [Down] cursor keys to navigate
the list, and the [Right] and [Left] cursor keys (or [+] and [-]
keys) to modify the colors. Color changes are immediately
reflected in the sample Cadet screen. If you wish to restore
Cadet back to its default colors, press function key [F5]. To
abort the color configuration process, press [Esc]. Pressing
[F10] saves the new colors and exits the program. The file
CADET.CFG is updated or created by the color configuration
process. The CADET.CFG file must always be located in the same
directory as CADET.EXE.
It is not necessary to add Cadet to AutoCAD's support path if you
have followed procedures to install Cadet in your ACAD.LSP file.
If for some reason Cadet is not in your ACAD.LSP file, you will
have to manually load it each time you edit a drawing. If you are
faced with this problem, using AutoCAD's support path will
simplify the loading process - you do not need to remember or
type in Cadet's path when loading it.
AutoCAD uses a DOS environmental variable named ACAD to hold its
support path. The ACAD variable must be placed in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file or your AutoCAD start-up batch file, like so:
AutoCAD R11 and later allows multiple directories, so you can
append the Cadet directory to a multiple ACAD path:
CADET v4.0 10 User's Manual
Perhaps the simplest way to use Cadet in a networked environment
is to install Cadet on local drives of each individual
workstation. Doing so avoids sharing conflicts and generally
gives faster access as well.
If preferred, Cadet can be installed and used in a shared network
directory, except for certain read/write files. The spelling
dictionary CADET.DIC cannot be shared. In addition, Cadet creates
small text transfer files which will conflict if written to a
shared directory. The procedure for using Cadet on a shared
network directory requires that each individual workstation or
user have a copy of CADET.DIC, and an alternate path be set up and
used for it and the transfer files. For best performance, the
alternate read/write path should be created on a local drive of
each workstation. If this is not possible, a private network
directory for each individual can be used.
Create the read/write directories (unless existing directories are
to be used) and copy CADET.DIC into each. Next, modify each
AUTOEXEC.BAT file or the batch files used to start AutoCAD. Add a
SET command to assign the read/write path to the DOS environmental
variable CADET. This variable is read by AutoLISP, so the
AutoLISP convention of using forward slashes rather than
backslashes must be followed. Directories must be terminated by a
slash. For example, if you are using C:\CADETRW as the read/write
directory, add:
If you are using AutoCAD R9, you must hard code the read/write
path into each ACAD.LSP and CADET.LSP file. In each file, find
the line:
(SETQ CADETD "CadetPath")
The "CadetPath" is initially set to the Cadet directory or NIL.
Change it to the new Cadet read/write path, matching your batch
file's CADET environmental variable. It too must use forward
slashes in lieu of backslashes, and must be enclosed by double
quotes. For example:
This step is unnecessary when using AutoCAD R10 or greater. In
such installations the DOS environmental variable CADET is
automatically read and assigned to CADETD.
CADET v4.0 11 User's Manual
Cadet transfers text data to and from AutoCAD drawings via small
disk files. These transfer files are written to the Cadet
directory by default, but you can configure Cadet to use a
different path, such as a ram disk.
The reason to consider a ram disk is speed. If you have a slow
hard drive, you can dramatically increase the performance of
Cadet's read/write operations by using a ram disk as the
read/write path. Other Cadet files may also be located on the
user defined read/write path. We show three options.
Two steps are necessary for using any of the following options.
One, Cadet must first be installed in the normal fashion. Two,
you need to add a line in your AutoCAD start-up batch file or
AUTOEXEC.BAT file to set the environmental variable CADET to your
chosen read/write path. This variable is read by AutoLISP, so the
AutoLISP convention of using forward slashes rather than
backslashes must be followed. Directories must be terminated by a
slash. For example, if the alternate path is E:\RW\, add:
Running Cadet's transfer files in a ram disk yields the most
noticeable improvement of all options. To run transfer files, the
ram disk will need 128,000 to 512,000 bytes free space, depending
on the amount of AutoCAD text normally edited. The lower figure
is generally adequate for normal use. Add the SET command in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT or AutoCAD batch file as previously described.
If you are using AutoCAD R9 you must edit both your ACAD.LSP and
CADET.LSP files (this is unnecessary if you are using AutoCAD R10
or later). In each file, find the line:
(SETQ CADETD "CadetPath")
The "CadetPath" is initially set to the Cadet directory or NIL.
Change it to your ram disk path. The path string is enclosed in
double quotes, but otherwise must match your batch file's CADET
environmental variable:
CADET v4.0 12 User's Manual
This option is only recommended if you have a slow hard drive and
want to speed up the spell checker. The ram disk will need at
least 260,000 bytes free space for the dictionary. Modify your
AUTOEXEC.BAT or AutoCAD batch file to add the SET command
previously described, and add a command to copy CADET.DIC to the
ram disk each time you boot up. For example:
Warning: If you add words to a Cadet dictionary in a ram disk,
you must copy the modified dictionary, CADET.DIC, back to the hard
disk before turning off or rebooting your machine.
This option is generally not recommended, since its benefits are
minimal. The ram disk will need at least 132,000 bytes of free
space. First, modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT or AutoCAD batch file.
Add the SET command previously described, and lines to copy the
files CADET.EXE, CADET.OVR, and CADET.CFG to the ram disk each
time you boot up. For example:
Warning: If you use a batch file to load Cadet (see
MOUSE/DIGITIZER PROBLEMS), it must be modified to show Cadet's ram
disk path. It may be copied to the ram disk or left in the Cadet
Last, edit the command lines in your ACAD.PGP file, and modify
Cadet's path to the new ram disk path, for example:
CADET!,E:\RW\CADET /A,300000,,0
CADETX,E:\RW\CADET /X,300000,,4
NOTE: 1. You can combine any or all of the above procedures. Sum
the disk size requirements to determine the size
required for the combined configuration.
2. After modifications to AUTOEXEC.BAT, you must reboot
your computer for the change to become effective.
3. You should not run transfer files in a ram disk if you
plan on using Cadet's emergency restore feature.
CADET v4.0 13 User's Manual
To make the shortcut commands to Cadet routines easily accessible
from the keyboard, short two and three letter names have been
used: CE, CN, CC, CEN, etc. These are AutoLISP functions.
Conflicts can occur if you have other functions or ACAD.PGP
commands with these names.
In general, ACAD.PGP defined commands dominate over AutoLISP
functions. In the case of conflicting AutoLISP function names,
the last one loaded will dominate.
Name conflicts must be resolved by renaming one of the conflicting
functions or commands. If you have other commands or functions
which match Cadet's, you must do some renaming. If the conflict
is with an external command defined in your ACAD.PGP file, rename
the Cadet function. If the conflict is with another AutoLISP
function, you may rename whichever function you wish. Preferably,
leave the Cadet functions alone and rename the other function.
Never rename the Cadet functions on your original Cadet diskette.
Instead, first install Cadet as usual, then perform your
modifications on the Cadet files installed on your hard disk.
To rename functions, edit both your ACAD.LSP and CADET.LSP files.
Search for function names which conflict with Cadet's. When you
find conflicts, carefully replace one of the function names with a
new name of your own choosing.
To rename Cadet's functions, look for the following lines:
(defun C:CC (... ... ;Cadet-Create Table
(defun C:CN (... ... ;Cadet-Notes
(defun C:CI (... ... ;Cadet-Import
(defun C:CE (... ... ;Cadet-Edit
(defun C:CET (... ... ;Cadet-Edit Table
(defun C:CEN (... ... ;Cadet-Edit Notes
(defun C:CEG (... ... ;Cadet-Edit Global
(defun C:CEA (... ... ;Cadet-Edit Attributes
(defun C:CS (... ... ;Cadet-SetText
(defun C:CP (... ... ;Cadet-PlusText
(defun C:CM (... ... ;Cadet-MultiText
(defun C:CJ (... ... ;Cadet-JustifyText
(defun C:CA (... ... ;Cadet-AlignText
(defun C:CR (... ... ;Cadet-Restore
(defun C:CX (... ... ;Cadet-External File
CADET v4.0 14 User's Manual
Rename only the function name following the defun statement, do
not edit any other portion of the functions. The new function
names must still include the C: prefix (the C: tells AutoCAD to
treat it as a command, it is not a drive designation). For
example, to rename CN (Cadet-Notes) to NOTES, the edited line
would look like this:
(defun C:NOTES (... ... ;Cadet-Notes
Once you rename any of these Cadet functions, you must manually
remove them prior to using Cadet's installation program to install
future upgrades.
Although no trouble is anticipated, in keeping with the spirit of
"better safe than sorry", we suggest you save your drawing prior
to executing Cadet the first few times you try it. This is
especially wise if you have a highly customized system.
If other programs work for you through AutoCAD's SHELL function,
you should have no trouble with Cadet, properly installed. Once it
becomes apparent to you that no problems exist, the act of saving
the drawing first is unnecessary.
If you have followed the installation procedures to install Cadet
in your ACAD.LSP file, loading is automatic when you issue a CADET
command - no further steps are necessary.
If for some reason you did not install Cadet in your ACAD.LSP
file, you must load CADET.LSP at the AutoCAD command prompt. This
is done with AutoLISP's LOAD command. This example uses
C:\ACAD\CADET as the Cadet directory. Note the use of forward
slashes instead of backslashes.
If you have added CADET's directory to AutoCAD's support path, you
do not need Cadet's path in the LOAD command:
CADET v4.0 15 User's Manual
All Cadet routines are accessible from a simple command line menu.
This is the easiest way for novices to access the Cadet functions,
since you only need to remember one command.
Only brief descriptions of the individual Cadet functions will be
given here. Full details are given in subsequent sections of the
manual. To run the menu, enter "CADET" at the AutoCAD command
The top level of the Cadet command line menu shows the following
Add/Manipulate/Edit/Restore text or Options/<EXit>?
Entering "A" or "Add" from the top level produces a second level
menu of text addition options:
Add/Manipulate/Edit/Restore text or Options/<EXit>? A
Plus/Multiple/Import/Notes/Create table/<Back>?
The ADD text menu options are:
P Plus . . . . . Cadet-PlusText (shortcut: CP)
Add to existing text with matching
M Multiple . . . Cadet-MultiText (shortcut: CM)
Enter multiple lines of text at a user
specified line spacing.
I Import . . . . Cadet-Import (shortcut: CI)
Import an Ascii text file into the drawing.
N Notes . . . . Cadet-Notes (shortcut: CN)
Create notes and other single column text
with the Cadet editor.
C Create table . Cadet-Create Table (shortcut: CC)
Create multiple column text tables with the
Cadet editor.
B Back . . . . . Return to top menu level (default).
CADET v4.0 16 User's Manual
Entering "M" or "Manipulate" from the top level produces a second
level menu of text manipulation options:
Add/Manipulate/Edit/Restore text or Options/<EXit>? M
The MANIPULATE text menu options are:
A Align. . . . . Cadet-AlignText (shortcut: CA)
Vertically straighten text columns.
J Justify. . . . Cadet-JustifyText (shortcut: CJ)
Change from/to any text justification.
S Set. . . . . . Cadet-SetText (shortcut: CS)
Set text defaults by picking an existing
text entity with the desired properties.
B Back . . . . . Return to top menu level (default).
Entering "E" or "Edit" from the top level produces a second level
menu of editing options:
Add/Manipulate/Edit/Restore text or Options/<EXit>? E
The EDIT text menu options are:
T Table. . . . . Cadet-Edit Table (shortcut: CET)
Edit multiple column text tables in the
Cadet editor.
N Notes. . . . . Cadet-Edit Notes (shortcut: CEN)
Edit drawing notes in the Cadet editor.
A Attributes . . Cadet-Edit Attributes (shortcut: CEA)
Edit block attributes in the Cadet editor.
M Mixed. . . . . Cadet-Edit (shortcut: CE)
General-purpose editing of text and/or
attributes in the Cadet editor.
G Global . . . . Cadet-Edit Global (shortcut: CEG)
Pulls all drawing text and attributes into
the Cadet editor.
F File . . . . . Cadet-External File (shortcut: CX)
Edit external ASCII text files in the Cadet
editor, from within AutoCAD.
B Back . . . . . Return to top menu level (default).
CADET v4.0 17 User's Manual
If Cadet's restore feature is enabled, entering "R" or "Restore"
from the top level executes the emergency Cadet-Restore (shortcut:
CR), used to restore Cadet text lost in a power outage.
Entering "O" or "Options" from the top level steps you through a
series of prompts to make temporary modifications to Cadet's
configuration variables:
CADETP, text pitch factor <1.6190>:
CADETT, table tolerance factor <1.0000>:
CADETR, enable restore files? Yes/No <No>:
CADETM, disable memory management? Yes/No <No>:
CADETS, sort by LLH coordinates? Yes/No <No>:
Enter "EX", "Exit" or press [Enter] from the top level to exit
back to the AutoCAD command prompt (default).
CADET from DOS and CADET-External File (CX)
Although fundamentally an AutoCAD editor, Cadet can also edit
ASCII text files from DOS or AutoCAD. CADET is limited to a total
of 2000 lines of text, equivalent to about 35 typewritten pages.
To edit files from DOS, just enter "CADET" followed by the name of
the file.
C:/> CADET [FileName]
The file name on the command line is optional - if it is not
given, Cadet will prompt for one. Enter the full path name if the
file is not in the current directory. If the name of an existing
file is given, it is loaded into Cadet for editing, otherwise a
new file is created. Files can also be selected from a pick list
by entering a directory and/or wildcards in lieu of a file name.
To edit text files from within AutoCAD, enter "CADET" at the
command prompt, "E" for the Edit text menu, then "F" for File.
Optionally, you can edit external text files directly by entering
"CX" at the command prompt.
Command: CX
Cadet will then prompt you for a file name, as described above for
DOS. The workings of the Cadet editor are detailed in a
subsequent section of the manual.
CADET v4.0 18 User's Manual
CADET-AlignText (CA)
Cadet-AlignText (shortcut: CA) is an AutoCAD utility designed as a
preprocessor for misaligned columns being edited by Cadet-Edit
Table. Select a set of text entities, and CA moves them into
vertical alignment. Text moves only in the horizontal direction,
and insertion points are used for alignment.
To run Cadet-AlignText from Cadet's command line menu, enter
"CADET" at the command prompt, "M" for the Manipulate text menu,
then "A" for Align. Optionally, you can access Cadet-AlignText
directly by entering "CA" at the command prompt. CA's first
prompt is for the alignment point.
Enter point to align text to:
Generally, you would use AutoCAD's INSert object snap and pick the
column's top line of text. You can, however, enter any point -
with either your pointing device or the keyboard. The next prompt
is to select the text.
Select objects:
This is the familiar AutoCAD interactive selection mechanism. You
can use object snaps, Window, Crossing, Last, Previous, Remove and
Add, etc. to select the text. Non-text entities will be ignored.
Once you have selected the text, press [Enter] and CA moves it
into alignment.
CADET-JustifyText (CJ)
Cadet-JustifyText (shortcut: CJ) is a utility used to change the
justification of existing AutoCAD text. It can be used on single
entities or sets.
To run Cadet-JustifyText from Cadet's command line menu, enter
"CADET" at the command prompt, "M" for the Manipulate text menu,
then "J" for Justify. Optionally, you can access
Cadet-JustifyText directly by entering "CJ" at the command prompt.
CJ's first prompt is to select the text.
Select objects:
This is the familiar AutoCAD interactive selection mechanism. You
can use object snaps, Window, Crossing, Last, Previous, Remove and
Add, etc. to select the text. Non-text entities will be ignored.
CADET v4.0 19 User's Manual
Once you have finished, Cadet-Justify prompts for a new
justification for the selected text.
In AutoCAD R11 and later, nine more options are displayed:
Enter the new justification, and each text entity in the set is
changed. If Fit or Align justification is chosen, you are
individually prompted for a new text endpoint for each entity in
the set.
CADET-SetText (CS)
Cadet-SetText (shortcut: CS) is a utility which allows you to set
new AutoCAD text defaults by picking a sample on the screen. The
new text defaults - size, style, layer, angle, etc. - are
automatically set to match the chosen sample.
To run Cadet-SetText from Cadet's command line menu, enter "CADET"
at the command prompt, "M" for the Manipulate text menu, then "S"
for Set. Optionally, you can access Cadet-SetText directly by
entering "CS" at the command prompt. Cadet-SetText's only prompt
is to pick the sample text.
CADET-PlusText (CP)
Cadet-PlusText (shortcut: CP) is a Cadet utility which allows you
to continue to add text below any existing text without leaving
AutoCAD. The new text's properties - size, style, layer, angle,
etc. - are automatically set to match the existing text.
To run Cadet-PlusText from Cadet's command line menu, enter
"CADET" at the command prompt, "A" for the Add text menu, then "P"
for Plus. Optionally, you can access Cadet-PlusText directly by
entering "CP" at the command prompt. Cadet-PlusText's first
prompt is to pick the existing text.
Pick text to add to:
The new text will be added below the existing text. If you are
adding to a multiple line note, you should pick the bottom line.
CADET v4.0 20 User's Manual
Next, you are prompted for the line spacing.
Distance between rows <X.XXXX> or Auto:
This requests the vertical spacing between each text row or
entity. The default <X.XXXX> equals the value of CADETP (see
CONFIGURATION VARIABLES) times the text height you've selected.
Press [Enter] to accept the default, type in a value, pick two
points, or enter "A" for automatic spacing. In Cadet-PlusText,
the Auto spacing option gives you the same results as selecting
the default value.
Hint: If you are adding to a multiple line note, you can match its
spacing precisely by using AutoCAD's INSert object snap and
picking two adjacent lines.
You are then prompted for the text. Type in as many lines as
necessary. Like AutoCAD's DTEXT command, CP keeps prompting for
text until it gets a null response.
CADET-MultiText (CM)
Cadet-MultiText (shortcut: CM) is a Cadet utility which allows you
to create multiple lines of text without leaving AutoCAD. Unlike
AutoCAD's DTEXT command, CM allows you to set the line spacing to
any desired value. New text will be drawn in the current text
style. If you need a text style other than the current one, set
the style with Cadet-SetText or AutoCAD's STYLE command prior to
running CM.
To run Cadet-MultiText from Cadet's command line menu, enter
"CADET" at the command prompt, "A" for the Add text menu, then "M"
for Multiple. Optionally, you can access Cadet-MultiText directly
by entering "CM" at the command prompt. Cadet-MultiText's first
prompt is to pick a justification and/or starting point for the
Starting point or Justification:
This is similar to AutoCAD's TEXT command prompt. If you want
something other than left justification, type in the justification
prior to supplying the point. CM supports all AutoCAD
To view the full list of justification options, enter "J".
CADET v4.0 21 User's Manual
In AutoCAD R11 and later, nine more options are displayed:
Use your pointing device to pick the point or enter the point in X
and Y coordinates. The new text is placed at the current
elevation, so a Z coordinate is not necessary.
Next, if the current text style is not defined at a fixed height,
CM prompts you to supply a text height.
Text height <X.XXXX>:
The <X.XXXX> default is your default height for new text -
generally, the height last used to draw text. Respond with the
height you need, or press [Enter] to accept the default. Like
AutoCAD's TEXT command, you may use your pointing device to drag
the height from the point of origin. Next, if Fit or Align
justification is not being used, you are prompted for a rotation
Rotation angle <0>:
Enter the angle in decimal degrees or press [Enter] to accept the
default. Following the rotation angle, you are prompted for the
line spacing.
Distance between rows <X.XXXX> or Auto:
This requests the vertical spacing between each text row or
entity. The default <X.XXXX> equals the value of CADETP (see
CONFIGURATION VARIABLES) times the text height you've selected.
Press [Enter] to accept the default, type in a value, pick two
points, or enter "A" for automatic spacing. In Cadet-MultiText,
the Auto spacing option gives you the same results as selecting
the default value.
You are then prompted for text. Type in as many lines as
necessary. Like AutoCAD's DTEXT command, CM keeps prompting for
text until it gets a null response.
CADET v4.0 22 User's Manual
Cadet-Notes (shortcut: CN) is the Cadet editor interface of choice
for creating drawing notes. CN is simple to employ, and accesses
the editor in a free-form style in which Cadet's advanced features
such as word wrap and paragraph reformat are available.
To run Cadet-Notes from Cadet's command line menu, enter "CADET"
at the command prompt, "A" for the Add text menu, then "N" for
Notes. Optionally, you can access Cadet-Notes directly by
entering "CN" at the command prompt. Cadet-Notes' first prompt is
to pick a justification and/or starting point for the notes.
Starting point or Justification:
This is similar to AutoCAD's TEXT command prompt. If you want
something other than left justification, type in the justification
prior to supplying the point. CN supports all AutoCAD
justifications except Align and adds two new ones - Bound and
Wrap. Both ask for a second text endpoint, and use it to
establish the editor's word wrap position. The Bound option is a
conditional Fit justification - it fits lines of text which are
too long, but left justifies shorter lines. The Wrap option is
simple Left justification. To view the full list of justification
options, enter "J".
In AutoCAD R11 and later, nine more options are displayed:
Use your pointing device to pick the point or enter the point in X
and Y coordinates. All new text is placed at the current
elevation, so a Z coordinate is not necessary. CN always places
new text horizontally, regardless of your zero degree orientation
(you can rotate text after it has been placed).
Next, if the current text style is not defined at a fixed height,
CN prompts you to supply a text height.
Text height <X.XXXX>:
The <X.XXXX> default is your default height for new text -
generally, the height last used to draw text. Respond with the
height you need, or press [Enter] to accept the default. Like
AutoCAD's TEXT command, you may use your pointing device to drag
the height from the point of origin.
CADET v4.0 23 User's Manual
Last, you are prompted to supply the row spacing.
Distance between rows <X.XXXX> or Auto:
This requests the vertical spacing, or pitch, between each line of
text. The default <X.XXXX> equals the value of CADETP (see
CONFIGURATION VARIABLES) times the text height you've selected.
To enter a constant value, either press the [Enter] key to accept
the default, type in a new distance, or use your pointing device
to define the distance by picking two points.
Enter "A" for automatic spacing. Cadet can change the height of
each line of text individually. To accommodate this, CN's Auto
spacing uses a function similar to AutoCAD's DTEXT command,
spacing each text line according to its height and style, to avoid
After the line spacing is given, the Cadet editor appears. With
sufficient memory, the editor can accommodate up to 2000 lines of
text. We cover the details of the Cadet text editor more fully in
the next section of this manual. When you exit the editor, CN
returns to the AutoCAD graphics screen and draws the notes you
Cadet-Create Table (shortcut: CC) is a specialized Cadet editor
interface for creating text tables such as schedules and bills of
To run Cadet-Create Table from Cadet's command line menu, enter
"CADET" at the command prompt, "A" for the Add text menu, then "C"
for Create table. Optionally, you can access Cadet-Create Table
directly by entering "CC" at the command prompt. Cadet-Create
Table's first prompt is to pick a justification and/or starting
point of the first column (column A). Cadet letters columns A, B,
C and so forth.
Starting point of column A or Justification:
This is similar to AutoCAD's TEXT command prompt. If you want
something other than left justification, type in the justification
prior to supplying the point. CC supports all AutoCAD
justifications except Align and adds a new one - Bound. Bound
asks for a second text endpoint and uses it to establish the
editor's word wrap position. The Bound option is a conditional
Fit justification - it fits lines of text which are too long, but
left justifies shorter lines.
CADET v4.0 24 User's Manual
To view the full list of justification options, enter "J".
In AutoCAD R11 and later, nine more options are displayed:
Use your pointing device to pick the point or enter the point in X
and Y coordinates. All new text is placed at the current
elevation, so a Z coordinate is not necessary. CC always places
new text horizontally, regardless of your zero degree orientation
(you can rotate text after it has been placed). The first
insertion point you enter also defines the vertical (Y coordinate)
origin of any subsequent columns, simplifying multiple column
Next, if the current text style is not defined at a fixed height,
CC prompts you to supply a text height.
Text height <X.XXXX>:
The <X.XXXX> default is your default height for new text -
generally, the height last used to draw text. Type in a height or
press [Enter] to accept the default. Like AutoCAD's TEXT command,
you can also use your pointing device to drag the height from the
point of origin.
In the next series of prompts CC will ask for column and row
information. You will be prompted for the number of columns first.
Multiple columns are optional.
Number of text columns (|||) <1>:
Enter the number of columns needed, or press [Enter] for the
default. Cadet handles a maximum of 2000 entities, so the number
of columns you define will limit the number of rows you may
create. You are prompted for the number of rows next.
Number of text rows (---) per column <max>:
The default <max> will give you the maximum number of text rows
per column - the quotient of 2000 divided by the number of
columns, memory permitting. You can either enter the number of
rows you actually need, or press [Enter] to accept the default
maximum. If you enter too large a value, CC defaults to the
maximum. You may be composing text as you go and not know how
many rows you will need. In such cases you should accept the
default maximum. The number of rows defined just sets up space in
the editor, you do not have to fill each row.
CADET v4.0 25 User's Manual
If you have chosen more than a single row you will be prompted to
supply the row spacing.
Distance between rows <X.XXXX> or Auto:
This requests the vertical spacing between each text row or
entity. The default <X.XXXX> equals the value of CADETP (see
CONFIGURATION VARIABLES) times the text height you've selected.
Entering a constant value assures that adjacent columns align. To
enter a constant value, either press the [Enter] key to accept the
default, type in a new distance, or use your pointing device to
define the distance by picking two points.
Enter "A" for automatic spacing. Cadet can change the height of
each line of text individually. To accommodate this, CC's Auto
spacing uses a function similar to AutoCAD's DTEXT command,
spacing each text line according to its height and style, to avoid
overlapping. The disadvantage to using Auto is that column
alignment is lost if the text height and vertical spacing varies.
Because of this, CC's Auto mode is only suited for single columns
of text.
The next prompt, if you have chosen two or more columns, requests
the origin and optionally, the text justification of the second
column (Column B).
Starting point of column B or Justification:
The actual wording may vary, since CC defaults to the
justification used for the previous column. If you want to change
the justification, enter the new justification prior to supplying
the point. Type in point coordinates (X, Y) or pick a point with
your pointing device. Although you input a point, CC only uses
the horizontal (X coordinate) component. Since CC automatically
aligns the column with column A, vertical accuracy of picked
points is not important.
If you have chosen three or more columns, you receive further
Starting point of column C or Justification/Equal:
This prompt is essentially the same as the prompt for column B,
varying in wording according to the justification of the previous
column. Added to this and following column prompts is the option
Equal. Selecting Equal causes all remaining columns to be equally
spaced to the previous column offset, using the previous
justification. Otherwise, similar prompts will repeat for each
remaining column.
CADET v4.0 26 User's Manual
After defining rows and columns, the Cadet editor appears,
configured for the specified table. By changing Cadet's sort
order, you can enter text by either rows or columns. Details of
the Cadet text editor are covered in a following section of this
manual. When you exit the editor, CC returns to the AutoCAD
graphics screen and draws the text.
Cadet-Import (shortcut: CI) is a Cadet utility for importing ASCII
text files into your drawing in linear or tabular format. CI runs
entirely from within AutoCAD. An ASCII text file is one of plain
text, without the special formatting characters some word
processors create. Most word processors can create an ASCII text
file however, with a special save or print-to-disk command. To
check if a file is ASCII, print it to the screen with the DOS TYPE
command, for example: TYPE MyFile. If the text is legible as it
prints on the screen, with no strange characters, it is ASCII.
To run Cadet-Import from Cadet's command line menu, enter "CADET"
at the command prompt, "A" for the Add text menu, then "I" for
Import. Optionally, you can access Cadet-Import directly by
entering "CI" at the command prompt. Cadet-Import's first prompt
is for the file name.
File name of text file to import:
Enter the file name, including the drive and subdirectory if
different from the default, and file extension if any. If CI
cannot find the file in the specified subdirectory, it shows an
error message and repeats a prompt for a file name.
From this point on, Cadet-Import's prompts are essentially
identical to those used by Cadet-Create Table. You are prompted
to pick a justification and/or starting point of the first column
(column A). Cadet letters columns A, B, C and so forth.
Starting point of column A or Justification:
This is similar to AutoCAD's TEXT command prompt. If you want
something other than left justification, type in the justification
prior to supplying the point. CI supports all AutoCAD
justifications except Align and adds a new one - Bound. Bound
asks for a second text endpoint and uses it to establish the
editor's word wrap position. The Bound option is a conditional
Fit justification - it fits lines of text which are too long, but
left justifies shorter lines.
CADET v4.0 27 User's Manual
To view the full list of justification options, enter "J".
In AutoCAD R11 and later, nine more options are displayed:
Use your pointing device to pick the point or enter the point in X
and Y coordinates. All new text is placed at the current
elevation, so a Z coordinate is not necessary. CI always places
new text horizontally, regardless of your zero degree orientation
(you can rotate text after it has been placed). The first
insertion point you enter also defines the vertical (Y coordinate)
origin of any subsequent columns, simplifying multiple column
Next, if the current text style is not defined at a fixed height,
CI prompts you to supply a text height.
Text height <X.XXXX>:
The <X.XXXX> default is your default height for new text -
generally, the height last used to draw text. Type in a height or
press [Enter] to accept the default. Like AutoCAD's TEXT command,
you can also use your pointing device to drag the height from the
point of origin.
In the next series of prompts CI will ask for column and row
information. You will be prompted for the number of columns
first. Multiple columns are optional.
Number of text columns (|||) <1>:
Enter the number of columns needed, or press [Enter] for the
default. Cadet handles a maximum of 2000 entities, so the number
of columns you define will limit the number of rows you may
create. You are prompted for the number of rows next.
Number of text rows (---) per column:
Enter the number of rows. If you chose more than a single row you
will be prompted to supply the row spacing.
Distance between rows <X.XXXX> or Auto:
This requests the vertical spacing between each text row or
entity. The default <X.XXXX> equals the value of CADETP (see
CONFIGURATION VARIABLES) times the text height you've selected.
Entering a constant value assures that adjacent columns align. To
enter a constant value, either press the [Enter] key to accept the
CADET v4.0 28 User's Manual
default, type in a new distance, or use your pointing device to
define the distance by picking two points. Enter "A" for
automatic spacing. In Cadet-Import, the Auto spacing option gives
you the same results as selecting the default constant value.
The next prompt, if you have chosen two or more columns, requests
the origin and optionally, the text justification of the second
column (Column B).
Starting point of column B or Justification:
The actual wording may vary, since CI defaults to the
justification used for the previous column. If you want to change
the justification, enter the new justification prior to supplying
the point. Type in point coordinates (X, Y) or pick a point with
your pointing device. Although you input a point, CI only uses
the horizontal (X coordinate) component. Since CI automatically
aligns the column with column A, vertical accuracy of picked
points is not important.
If you have chosen three or more columns, you receive further
Starting point of column C or Justification/Equal:
This prompt is essentially the same as the prompt for column B,
varying in wording according to the justification of the previous
column. Added to this and following column prompts is the option
Equal. Selecting Equal causes all remaining columns to be equally
spaced to the previous column offset, using the previous
justification. Otherwise, similar prompts will repeat for each
remaining column.
After rows and columns are defined, CI draws the text from the
specified file into your drawing.
Cadet also has another method of importing files; use Cadet-Notes
or Cadet-Create Table, and import the file into the Cadet editor
with [Ctrl-XI].
CADET v4.0 29 User's Manual
Cadet-Edit (shortcut: CE) is Cadet's general-purpose editor
interface. It is used to edit attributes and text. CE is well
suited for editing mixed selection sets with varying text
positions and properties. For organized text such as notes and
tables, it is generally better to use another Cadet interface.
To run Cadet-Edit from Cadet's command line menu, enter "CADET" at
the command prompt, "E" for the Edit text menu, then "M" for
Mixed. Optionally, you can access Cadet-Edit directly by entering
"CE" at the command prompt. Cadet-Edit's first prompt is to pick
the text and attributes.
Select objects:
This is the familiar AutoCAD interactive selection mechanism. You
can use object snaps, Window, Crossing, Last, Previous, Remove and
Add, etc. to select the text. You can select up to 2000 lines of
text or attributes. Don't worry if non-text entities are
accidentally picked into the selection set. CE safely filters
them out. When you have picked the text, press [Enter] and CE
writes the text to the editor.
The text then appears in the Cadet editor, sorted by drawing
position. See the INSTALLATION chapter for details on sorting
options. Use the Cadet editor to make changes to the text as
necessary, or to export the text to a disk file. After exiting
the editor, you are returned to the AutoCAD graphics screen where
CE automatically updates any modified text.
Cadet-Edit Attributes (shortcut: CEA) is a specialized front-end
to the Cadet-Edit interface. With CEA, ordinary text is filtered
from the selection set, leaving only block attributes.
To run Cadet-Edit Attributes from Cadet's command line menu, enter
"CADET" at the command prompt, "E" for the Edit text menu, then
"A" for Attributes. Optionally, you can access Cadet-Edit
Attributes directly by entering "CEA" at the command prompt.
CADET v4.0 30 User's Manual
Cadet-Edit Global (shortcut: CEG) is another specialized front-end
to the general-purpose Cadet-Edit interface. With CEG, all
drawing text and attributes are automatically selected and brought
into the editor. CEG is ideal for global spelling checks.
To run Cadet-Edit Global from Cadet's command line menu, enter
"CADET" at the command prompt, "E" for the Edit text menu, then
"G" for Global. Optionally, you can access Cadet-Edit Global
directly by entering "CEG" at the command prompt.
Cadet-Edit Table (shortcut: CET) is a specialized Cadet editor
interface for editing organized multiple column text such as
tables and schedules. Unlike the general-purpose CE interface,
attributes cannot be edited, but CET has other important
Cadet orders CET's selected table into an array corresponding to
its placement in the drawing, automatically providing spaces for
empty table cells. In addition to being able to fill empty
spaces, you can also insert complete new rows of text anywhere in
the table. CET expects horizontally oriented text, and the text
selection must be fairly well aligned and equally spaced. The
text selection may have single or multiple columns.
To run Cadet-Edit Table from Cadet's command line menu, enter
"CADET" at the command prompt, "E" for the Edit text menu, then
"T" for Table. Optionally, you can access Cadet-Edit Table
directly by entering "CET" at the command prompt. Cadet-Edit
Table's first prompt is to select the text table.
Select objects:
This is the familiar AutoCAD interactive selection mechanism. You
can use object snaps, Window, Crossing, Last, Previous, Remove and
Add, etc. to select the text table. Don't worry if non-text
entities are accidentally picked into the selection set. CET
safely filters them out. Press [Enter] and CET writes the text
table to the editor.
Cadet begins by ordering the selected text into rows and columns,
building a full tabular array. If the array size (number of rows
times number of columns) exceeds 2000 or Cadet runs out of memory,
a warning is issued and you are returned to AutoCAD. Arrays which
appear larger than they should, and arrays with broken rows or
CADET v4.0 31 User's Manual
columns are due to the text table being too misaligned or unevenly
spaced in the drawing. Unevenly spaced tables can also throw off
the row spacing, but the spacing is easy to correct from within
the editor.
Cadet allows a tolerance for misalignment, stored in the CADETT
variable (see CONFIGURATION VARIABLES). For extremely disorderly
tables the tolerance may not be enough. In those cases you will
need to use AutoCAD to straighten up the table before using CET.
You may find the routines Cadet-AlignText and Cadet-JustifyText
To allow for center and right justified columns, CET always sorts
on the basis of the text's insert point, regardless of the CADETS
configuration variable setting. An organization problem occurs
when incompatible text justifications are mixed within a table -
the table may look neat enough, but the text insert points are a
jumble. Text justifications should be consistent up and down each
column. This may preclude selecting table headings in with the
body of the table if their justifications differ. Also, baseline
compatible text justifications should be used throughout the
For example, LEFT, FIT, CENTER and RIGHT justifications are
baseline compatible with each other, but not with MIDDLE
justifications. Release 11 and later versions of AutoCAD have
additional families of compatible justifications for TOP, MIDDLE
and BOTTOM baselines.
The text table appears in the Cadet editor sorted by columns or
rows. The sort order can be toggled back and forth - also see
the INSTALLATION chapter for setting a default order. Use the
Cadet editor to edit and add to the table as necessary.
After exiting Cadet, you are returned to the AutoCAD graphics
screen. The text table is updated to reflect any changes, new
text entities (if any) are created, and any misfit rows and
columns are precisely realigned.
CADET v4.0 32 User's Manual
Cadet-Edit Notes (shortcut: CEN) is another specialized Cadet
editor interface. CEN is used for editing notes and other single
columns of text. Attributes cannot be edited, but CEN has other
important advantages over the general-purpose CE interface.
Cadet orders CEN's selection set corresponding to its placement in
the drawing, automatically providing spaces for skipped lines.
You can fill these empty lines and insert new lines anywhere in
the notes. You can also use Cadet's word wrap and reformat
functions. CEN expects horizontally oriented text, and the text
must be fairly well aligned and equally spaced.
To run Cadet-Edit Notes from Cadet's command line menu, enter
"CADET" at the command prompt, "E" for the Edit text menu, then
"N" for Notes. Optionally, you can access Cadet-Edit Notes
directly by entering "CEN" at the command prompt. Cadet-Edit
Notes' first prompt is to select the text.
Select objects:
This is the familiar AutoCAD interactive selection mechanism. You
can use object snaps, Window, Crossing, Last, Previous, Remove and
Add, etc. to select text. Don't worry if non-text entities are
accidentally picked into the selection set. CEN safely filters
them out. Press [Enter] and CEN writes the text to the editor.
Cadet begins by ordering the text lines into a list based on their
vertical drawing position. If the list exceeds 2000 or Cadet runs
out of memory, a warning is issued and you are returned to
AutoCAD. Notes which appear with extra or out of place blank
lines are due to the text being too unevenly spaced in the
drawing. Notes which are unevenly spaced can also throw off the
line spacing, but the spacing is easy to correct from within the
For vertical alignment, CEN uses the tolerance stored in the
CADETT variable (see CONFIGURATION VARIABLES). For extremely
disordered notes the tolerance may not be enough, and you will
need to use AutoCAD to make adjustments prior to using CEN.
CEN automatically horizontally aligns all text to the top line,
based on the text insert points. The CADETS configuration
variable setting is ignored. Organization problems can occur if
incompatible text justifications are mixed within the notes. Only
LEFT and FIT justifications are compatible enough to be mixed in
notes. The routines Cadet-AlignText and Cadet-JustifyText are
helpful in preparing or cleaning up disorganized notes.
CADET v4.0 33 User's Manual
Use the Cadet editor to edit and add to the notes as necessary.
After exiting Cadet, you are returned to the AutoCAD graphics
screen. The notes are updated to reflect any changes, new
additions are created, and each text insert point is precisely
Cadet-Restore (shortcut: CR) is the Cadet function you use to
restore edited text in the event of power loss or machine failure,
assuming the drawing file and Cadet restore files are still
Due to extra overhead, Cadet's restore feature is not implemented
by default. For text to be recoverable, the following
requirements must be observed. Cadet-Edit interfaces CE, CEA,
CEG, CEN and CET, must have the restore feature enabled and
AutoCAD R10 or later with Handles on. Other Cadet interfaces do
not require Handles. Cadet's restore feature is enabled with the
changes can be made with the CADET command line menu. AutoCAD's
Handles can be turned on by typing "HANDLES" at the AutoCAD
command line, then responding "ON". The text must be saved by the
Cadet editor's [F2] Save command or [Ctrl-E] End command before
the loss occurs.
To restore text, first reenter the AutoCAD drawing. To run
Cadet-Restore from Cadet's command line menu, enter "CADET" at the
command prompt, then "R" for Restore. Optionally, you can access
Cadet-Restore directly by entering "CR" at the command prompt.
The restoration process will proceed automatically. Cadet-Restore
works by looking for loose Cadet restoration files. If a file
from a Cadet-Edit interface is found, the text in the file is
compared to that in the drawing and updates are made accordingly.
If Cadet-Restore finds a restoration file from a Cadet interface
which creates text, the text it contains is read directly into the
drawing. Please note, if the text was not actually lost from the
drawing, you will end up with duplicate text over the original.
CADET v4.0 34 User's Manual
The Cadet text editor is the heart of the Cadet system. Cadet is
a full-screen text editor with mouse support. Cadet supports a
dual level command interface. At the expert level, direct
shortcut keys are available. For novice and mouse users, there is
an easy to use pull-down menu system.
Cadet's shortcut keys are control (Ctrl) key combinations, entered
by holding down the control key while pressing the command letter.
Cadet also uses a few alternate (Alt) key combinations, entered in
a similar fashion. This manual represents these keys in the
format; [Ctrl-A] and [Alt-A]. Most Cadet commands can also be
entered from the pull-down menu. We show each command's menu
equivalent as the list of the menu choices required to reach it,
enclosed in curly braces, in the format; {Editing|erase All} and
{Display|About Cadet}. When editing, you can press [F1]
{Display|Help screen} for a summary of Cadet's shortcut keys.
Separate text entities are referred to as text lines, and the body
of text in the editor as the document. Several commands are
designed to work on either the current line (locally) or the
document (globally) at the user's option.
The behavior of the Cadet editor differs somewhat depending on
which Cadet DOS or AutoCAD interface accesses it. In effect,
Cadet is four editors in one. The editing modes and corresponding
interfaces are listed below.
MIXED Cadet-Edit, Cadet-Edit Attributes, & Cadet-Edit Global
TABLE Cadet-Create Table, Cadet-Edit Table
NOTES Cadet-Notes, Cadet-Edit Notes
FILE Cadet-External File, Cadet from DOS
The differences in Cadet's four editing modes are slight,
effecting only a few commands, but they are important. These
differences are noted in the descriptions of Cadet commands and
features which follow.
Mouse movements and the cursor keys are the basic method of moving
the cursor around the screen. Cadet also has special keys to move
through text even more quickly. The [Ctrl-Right] and [Ctrl-Left]
keys move the cursor a word at a time, right and left
respectively. The [Tab] and [Shift-Tab] keys move right and left
according to the tab configuration.
CADET v4.0 35 User's Manual
The cursor can quickly be positioned to the beginning or end of
the text line with the [Home] and [End] keys. [PgUp] and [PgDn]
moves vertically one screen depth, [Ctrl-PgUp] and [Ctrl-PgDn]
move to the head and end of the document, and in TABLE mode
[Alt-T] and [Alt-B] move to the top and bottom of the column or
o Mouse buttons always active Left = Pick, & Right+Left = [Esc].
During prompts and in menus and pick lists, Right = [Enter].
o Editing screen. Pick any point to reposition the cursor.
o [F1], [F2], [F10]. Execute by picking from bottom of screen.
o Prompts. Reply by picking the answer from the prompt line.
o Pull down menus. Pick top status line to activate pull-downs.
o Pick lists and menus. Pick selections from the display.
o List scroll bars. Pick a point along the bar relative to
desired list position.
o List Up and Down arrows. Pick to navigate an item at a time.
o Windows. Pick the exit button in the top left corner of a
window to exit.
In overwrite (typeover) mode, characters overwrite existing text.
In insert mode, characters insert and displace existing text.
Pressing the [Ins] key toggles the insert mode. The start-up
insert mode can be set with the CADETIN Installation/Configuration
In most Cadet editing modes, pressing [Enter] when insert mode is
active will add a hard carriage return and create a new line (see
INSERTING TEXT LINES). Pressing [Tab] when insert mode is active
will shift text right of the cursor to the next tab stop.
Cadet allows five of its default settings to be temporarily
modified via the [Ctrl-T] {Options} command. Your choice of
defaults can be set with the CADETIN Installation/Configuration
When Autoindent is active, text which is word wrapped from an
indented line is placed at the same level of indentation as the
preceding line. Likewise, when [Enter] is pressed, the cursor is
placed directly below the first character of the line above. When
Autoindent is off, carriage returns and wrapped lines go to the
home position, regardless of previous indentations.
CADET v4.0 36 User's Manual
Cadet's typematic rate accelerator can move the cursor up to three
times faster than normal. You can choose Slow, Medium or Fast
speed. Slow speed is the same as no acceleration.
Cadet has two tab modes, Smart Tabs and Fixed Tabs. In either
mode, pressing [Tab] when insert mode is active will push all text
to the right of the cursor to the tab stop. This, alone or in
combination with word wrap, is useful for formatting indentations
in existing text. When overwrite mode is active, only the cursor
is moved.
The default tab mode is Smart Tabs. When [Tab] is pressed, the
cursor is positioned underneath the first character of the next
word in the line above. The [Shift-Tab] key has no function in
Smart Tab mode.
The alternative to Smart Tabs is Fixed Tabs. In Fixed Tab mode,
tab stops are set to fixed intervals, spaced according to the Tab
Size value (described below). Pressing [Tab] moves the cursor
forward to the next tab stop, and [Shift-Tab] moves the cursor
back to the previous tab stop.
Cadet's Tab Size can be configured to any value between one and
twenty. When reading files, Cadet automatically translates
incoming tabs (ASCII 9) to the specified number of spaces. Cadet
saves files in translated form, without hard tabs. Setting the
default tab size to one prevents tab translation. The tab size
also determines the tab stop spacing in Fixed Tab mode.
The Squeeze mode works with Cadet's word wrap and reformat
command. When active, Cadet removes all excess spaces in the line
of text before word wrapping. Indented left margins are
unaffected. Likewise, excess spaces are removed from paragraphs
when reformatting with the [Ctrl-G] command.
Caution: Indented margins and tabbed spacings created in Cadet
will retain their proper format in AutoCAD only if LEFT
justification and a monospaced (non-proportional) font is used,
such as Autodesk's MONOTXT. Smoother and fancier monospaced fonts
are available from AutoCAD third party developers. If you use a
proportional font, you may have to move indented text around to
get it to look right. For tabular data, you can avoid the need
for monospaced fonts and tabs by using Cadet-Create Table.
CADET v4.0 37 User's Manual
Cadet has two status lines. The upper status line shows the
editor status.
o Cadet editing mode: Notes/Table/Mixed/File
o Current editor sort order: Row/Col/Pick
o Word wrap position and Squeeze mode.
o Tab size and Tab mode.
o Autoindent mode.
o Typematic rate speed: Slow/Med/Fast
o Line position of cursor.
o Column position of cursor.
o Editing insert mode: Ins/Ovr
In FILE editing mode, the lower status line only displays the name
of the file being edited. In other modes, the lower status line
is the drawing status line.
o Drawing name or file name.
o Text height of text at cursor line.
o Text font style of text at cursor line.
o Line spacing, or in MIXED editing mode;
Block name, attribute tag and attribute prompt.
You may enter AutoCAD's special symbols directly into your text
without the "%%" codes. Just press the appropriate Alt key
[Alt-O] Overscore toggle (%%o)
[Alt-U] Underscore toggle (%%u)
[Alt-D] Degrees symbol (%%d)
[Alt-P] Plus/minus symbol (%%p)
[Alt-C] Circle dia. symbol (%%c)
Cadet performs character code to symbol translation, to and from
AutoCAD. Some translations can be disabled, see the INSTALLATION
chapter for details.
Activate the menu by picking the top status line with a mouse or
pressing [F10]. The main menu bar is displayed at the top of the
screen, and consists of eight sub-menu headings. The current
choice is marked with a highlight bar. The highlighted letter in
each choice is its hot-key - capitalized below.
Change Editing Search Block Tools Display Options eXit
CADET v4.0 38 User's Manual
Select a sub-menu heading with a mouse pick, pressing its hot-key,
or moving the highlight bar atop it with the cursor and pressing
[Enter]. The bottom of the screen shows information on each
sub-menu as you cursor through the headings. Once selected,
sub-menus drop and display available commands.
+--------+ +---------+
| Change | | Editing |
+--------+-------------+ +---------+-----------------+
| Lower case [Ctrl-L] | | erase Word [Ctrl-BkSp] |
| Upper case [Ctrl-U] | | erase All [Ctrl-A] |
| Juggle case [Ctrl-J] | | erase to End [Ctrl-End] |
| Height [Ctrl-H] | | erase to Home [Ctrl-Home] |
| Style [Ctrl-S] | | Delete line [Ctrl-D] |
| liNe space [Ctrl-N] | | Insert line [Ctrl-I] |
+----------------------+ +---------------------------+
+--------+ +-------+
| Search | | Block |
+--------+-----------------+ +-------+--------------+
| Find text [Ctrl-F] | | Mark block [Ctrl-M] |
| Replace text [Ctrl-R] | | Copy block [Ctrl-C] |
| Head of doc [Ctrl-PgUp] | | write Block [Ctrl-B] |
| End of doc [Ctrl-PgDn] | +----------------------+
| col/row Top [Alt-T] |
| col/row Bot [Alt-B] |
+-------+ +---------+
| Tools | | Display |
+-------+------------------+ +---------+--------------+
| sPell check [Ctrl-P] | | Zoom EGA/VGA [Ctrl-Z] |
| eXternal files [Ctrl-X] | | Help screen [F1] |
| print hard copY [Ctrl-Y] | | About CADET [Alt-A] |
| reformat Group [Ctrl-G] | | sort Order [Ctrl-O] |
| Word wrap [Ctrl-W] | | View position [Ctrl-V] |
+--------------------------+ +------------------------+
+---------+ +------+
| Options | | eXit |
+---------+------------+ +------+------------+
| Autoindent [Ctrl-TA] | | End/save [Ctrl-E] |
| Type speed [Ctrl-TT] | |_Quit_ [Ctrl-Q] |
| tab Mode [Ctrl-TM] | | Save [F2] ++----+
| tab Size [Ctrl-TS] | +------------------+ Yes |
| sQueeze [Ctrl-TQ] | |_No_ |
+----------------------+ +-----+
CADET v4.0 39 User's Manual
Choose a menu command with a mouse pick, pressing its hot-key, or
by cursoring to the choice and pressing [Enter]. As the cursor
moves through the selections, the bottom of the screen displays
help information.
Menu choices which are inactive in the current editing mode are
displayed in a dim color. As illustrated on the Exit menu above,
many menu choices - such as {Exit|Quit} - will bring up a third
level menu of command options. These command options are picked
in the same manner as commands. To escape from a third level menu
back to the second level menu, press [Esc] or pick the second
level menu with a mouse.
To move to an adjacent second level sub-menu, cursor [Left] or
[Right] or pick its main menu heading with your mouse. To escape
back through the menu levels, press [Esc]. To exit without
executing a command, press [Esc] from the top menu or pick any
point outside the menus with a mouse.
Cadet's pick lists are used to select files, text styles, and
spell checker suggestions. A pick list is a list of selections in
a bordered window. A highlight bar indicates the current
selection. The [Up] and [Down] cursor keys traverse the list an
item at a time. Longer lists will scroll as you traverse them.
[PgUp] and [PgDn] move up and down the list the length of the
window, and [Home] and [End] move to the respective ends of the
Except for the spell checker list, typing the first few characters
of a word moves the highlight bar to the first matching selection.
Cadet will track and match the selections so long as you type
characters within two second intervals. After a two second
interval, the tracking string clears. You can force the tracking
string to clear at any time by pressing the spacebar.
The right hand side of the pick list window is a mouse sensitive
scroll bar. The slider box on the scroll bar shows the position
of the current selection relative to the length of the list. The
bold arrowheads at the top and bottom of the scroll bar are mouse
sensitive - click the left mouse button on them to cursor up or
down the list. To make bigger jumps along the file list, place
the mouse cursor over the scroll bar in the desired relative
position and click the left button. The slider box and highlight
bar will be repositioned accordingly.
Make a selection by highlighting it and pressing [Enter] or by
picking any displayed selection with a mouse. To exit the pick
list without making a selection, press [Esc], click the right and
CADET v4.0 40 User's Manual
left mouse buttons simultaneously, or use a mouse to pick the
upper left-hand window exit button.
The text style pick list pops up whenever you issue a change style
command. All styles previously defined in the AutoCAD drawing
appear in the list. The spell checker pick list pops up when you
ask for suggested spellings. It can contain anywhere from 1 to 18
The file pick list is more interactive. It is available from the
file name prompt when importing files and at Cadet FILE editing
mode start-up (unless passed a file name on the command line). To
display a pick list, enter a directory and/or a wildcard in lieu
of a file name. The global "*.*" wildcard is assumed if no other
wildcard is given, and the current directory is assumed if no
directory is given. Filenames are displayed in lower case,
subdirectories are capitalized and colored differently. The
directory tree can be traversed by picking a subdirectory name
from the list. To move towards the root, pick the parent
directory (..\). To change drives, escape from the pick list and
enter the new path at the file name prompt.
Cadet displays text in a linear list, with each entity occupying
one line of the editor. In MIXED and TABLE editing modes, the
order in which the text is presented is important. In these
modes, Cadet can display text in up to three orders; ROW (sorted
by rows), COL (sorted by columns), and - in MIXED mode only - PICK
(as picked). The PICK order is unsorted, text entities are
displayed in the order you select them, and attributes in the
order they are encountered in the block definition.
Text sorting is performed on the basis of the entities' X and Y
coordinates. Elevations in Z are ignored. A tolerance is used in
row/column definition. The default vertical tolerance is 1/2 the
average text height, the horizontal tolerance is 1-1/2 times the
average text height. Tolerances can be adjusted with the CADETT
Cadet defaults to using the insert point for the sort coordinates,
rather than the text's lower left coordinates. You can, however,
instruct Cadet to use the lower left coordinates for MIXED editing
mode sorting with the CADETS variable (see CONFIGURATION
At start-up, Cadet's default sort order is COL. This default can
be changed with Cadet's Installation/Configuration program. The
sort order can be changed in the editor by the [Ctrl-O]
{Display|Sort Order} command. Depending on the block's design,
CADET v4.0 41 User's Manual
attributes are sometimes easier to edit when displayed in PICK
order. Some text tables are easier to read in COL order, while
others are more suited to ROW order.
Consider the following examples, each has two columns, each word
is a left-justified text entity - a total of six separate entities
in each table:
Example #1 (in AutoCAD) | Example #2 (in AutoCAD)
For identification, the editor letters columns and numbers rows
similar to a spreadsheet. Example #1 is easier to read in column
order. Example #2, however, is more suited to the editor's row
order. Here are the examples shown as you would see them in
Example #1 (in Cadet) | Example #2 (in Cadet)
column sort order | row sort order
2a PEN | 1b WINDOW
3a PAPER | 2a CAT
1b TABLE | 2b DOG
3b COUCH | 3b FORK
With the tables sorted according to the direction of associations,
it is fairly simple to follow the table in linear format. The
[Ctrl-V] view position command can be used to display the relative
position of a portion of the table and gain perspective.
Cadet has many ways to delete text besides the familiar [BkSp] and
[Del] keys. Delete words with [Ctrl-BkSp] {Editing|erase Word}.
The [Ctrl-End] {Editing|erase End} and [Ctrl-Home] {Editing|erase
Home} commands delete to the end and beginning of the line
respectively. Whole lines can be erased (blanked out) by pressing
[Ctrl-A] {Editing|erase All}, and marked blocks of text with the
[Ctrl-M] {Block|Mark block} command.
With the exception of blocks, these methods of deleting text are
all local commands - they only affect the current line. If you
have not moved from the line or used a global command since
editing, pressing [Esc] will undo the erasure.
CADET v4.0 42 User's Manual
[Ctrl-D] {Editing|Delete line} is Cadet's delete line command.
Not only does it erase the line, the delete line command is
capable of pulling up the text below to fill the gap. The
[Ctrl-BkSp] command and the [Del] key are also used in certain
situations to delete empty lines and carriage returns. The delete
line command is global in nature - it affects more than just the
current line. [Esc] cannot undo deleted lines. Certain effects
of the delete line command vary depending on which editing mode is
in effect.
In NOTES and FILE editing modes, Cadet behaves similar to most
ordinary text editors. Regardless of the cursor position,
[Ctrl-D] deletes the entire line. The emptied space is filled as
all lines below pull up one position. Pressing [Del] or
[Ctrl-BkSp] at the end of a line, or on an empty line, deletes the
carriage return and joins the line below to the cursor position.
Text positions are critical in MIXED editing mode - you rarely
want other text repositioned due to a line being deleted.
Generally, the [Ctrl-A] command should be used in lieu of [Ctrl-D]
- it erases lines without affecting others. To protect the user
from against accidental text repositioning, delete line commands
use an "Are you sure?" prompt in MIXED mode. In other respects,
these commands behave as they do in NOTES or FILE mode. Please
note, however, that the flow of the text being pulled up is
dependant on the sort order in effect when the line is deleted.
You should always check the sort order first, changing it if
necessary, to ensure you get the desired results.
In TABLE editing mode, the delete line command is specialized for
editing multiple column tables. In this mode, [Ctrl-D] gives you
the choice to delete a full row from the table, or to delete a
single line. Deleting a table row removes the entire row in which
the line is a member, regardless of the number of columns.
Single lines can be deleted from either table rows or columns,
depending on the sort order. When deleting a single line from a
table, its effect is limited to its member group (row or column).
Text lines below which belong to the group are pulled up, text
lines outside the group are unaffected. [Del] and [Ctrl-BkSp] do
not delete lines in TABLE mode.
To illustrate how the delete line command works in TABLE mode,
lets look at our column ordered example #1 and row ordered example
#2 once again. In both examples the cursor is under the text on
line 1a, [Ctrl-D] is pressed, then Line is chosen.
CADET v4.0 43 User's Manual
This has the effect of deleting a line from the column in example
#1 and a line from the row in example #2. The following results.
Example #1 (in Cadet) | Example #2 (in Cadet)
column sort order | row sort order
(before) (after) | (before) (after)
2a PEN 2a PAPER | 1b WINDOW 1b
3a PAPER 3a | 2a CAT 2a CAT
1b TABLE 1b TABLE | 2b DOG 2b DOG
Example #1 | Example #2
(as redrawn in AutoCAD) | (as redrawn in AutoCAD)
Lets start with the original examples again, this time using the
delete row feature. [Ctrl-D] is pressed, then Row is chosen to
delete the entire row.
Example #1 (in Cadet) | Example #2 (in Cadet)
column sort order | row sort order
(before) (after) | (before) (after)
1a PENCIL 1a PEN | 1a DOOR 1a CAT
2a PEN 2a PAPER | 1b WINDOW 1b DOG
3a PAPER 3a | 2a CAT 2a SPOON
1b TABLE 1b CHAIR | 2b DOG 2b FORK
2b CHAIR 2b COUCH | 3a SPOON 3a
3b COUCH 3b | 3b FORK 3b
(as redrawn in AutoCAD) | (as redrawn in AutoCAD)
In both examples, the entire row #1 is deleted and everything else
moves up, emptying row #3. In both cases, the integrity of the
remaining table is intact, the remaining entries remain in their
proper columns.
CADET v4.0 44 User's Manual
The [Ctrl-I] {Editing|Insert line} command inserts a new line into
the group at the cursor position, pushing existing text down.
Only text above and to the right of the cursor is pushed down. If
the cursor is someplace in the middle of the text, the text will
break at the cursor position. The [Enter] key is also used in
certain modes to insert lines. The [Ctrl-I] command is global in
nature as it affects more than just the current line. [Esc]
cannot undo changes made by [Ctrl-I]. Like the delete line
command, certain effects of the [Ctrl-I] command vary depending on
which editing mode is in effect. These variations are described
In NOTES and FILE editing modes, Cadet behaves similar to most
ordinary text editors. In these modes, pressing [Enter] when the
insert mode is on has the same effect as the [Ctrl-I] command
described above. When overwrite mode is on, pressing [Enter] has
no effect other than moving the cursor down and home.
In MIXED editing mode, you rarely want text repositioned as a
result of editing. The NOTES or TABLE interfaces should be used
for the kind of editing that involves reformatting text positions.
To avoid accidental text repositioning in MIXED mode, insert line
commands start with an "Are you sure?" prompt. In addition, since
the MIXED editing interfaces are not capable of creating new text
entities, the [Ctrl-I] command requires that there be a blank line
at the bottom of the document. A warning is printed if there is
no room to insert the line. In other respects, the [Ctrl-I] and
[Enter] insert line commands behave as they do in NOTES or FILE
In the TABLE editing mode, the insert line command is specialized
for multiple column tables. In this mode, [Ctrl-I] gives you the
choice to insert a full row into the table, or to insert a single
line. When you insert a row, an entire new row of table cells is
inserted. In TABLE mode, the [Enter] key does not insert lines,
regardless of the insert/overwrite mode.
When you insert a single line in TABLE mode, the line is inserted
in either the row or column, depending on the sort order. To
preserve the integrity of the table, the effect of inserting a
single line is limited to its member group (row or column). Text
lines below which belong to the group are pushed down, text lines
outside the group are unaffected. This means that the last column
in the row must be empty - a warning is printed if there is no
room to insert the line into a particular group. If you need to
create room, insert a new bottom row before inserting the line.
CADET v4.0 45 User's Manual
In TABLE mode, insert does not break lines at the cursor position.
New lines and rows are normally inserted above the current
position. To make the new line insert below the current line,
position the cursor past the end of the text. To make a new row
insert below the current row, move to the last column in the row
and position the cursor past the end of the text.
We will use the previously described examples to show how the
[Ctrl-I] command may be used in TABLE mode to insert rows. This
time the cursor is moved past the right-hand end of the text on
the last line 3b. [Ctrl-I] is pressed, then Row is chosen,
creating a new bottom row.
Example #1 (in Cadet) | Example #2 (in Cadet)
column sort order | row sort order
(before) (after) | (before) (after)
3a PAPER 3a PAPER | 2a CAT 2a CAT
1b TABLE 4a | 2b DOG 2b DOG
3b COUCH | 4a
4b | 4b
Lets continue with the above modified examples, this time using
the insert line option. The cursor is moved back up under the
text in the first line 1a. [Ctrl-I] is pressed, then Line is
chosen to insert a single line.
Example #1 (in Cadet) | Example #2 (in Cadet)
column sort order | row sort order
(before) (after) | (before) (after)
1a PENCIL 1a | 1a DOOR 1a DOOR
3a PAPER 3a PEN | 2a CAT 2a CAT
4a 4a PAPER | 2b DOG 2b DOG
3b COUCH 3b COUCH | 4a 4a
4b 4b | 4b 4b
In example #1, the new line pushes column #a entries down.
Example #2, sorted by rows, attempted to insert a line in row #1
but there was no room.
CADET v4.0 46 User's Manual
Cadet can perform several block operations on partial or multiple
lines of text.
o Cut and paste blocks of text from one position to another.
o Copy blocks of text from one position to another.
o Write blocks of text to a file.
o Delete blocks of text.
o Change the case, height or style of blocks of text.
The block marking mechanism is the [Ctrl-M] {Block|Mark block}
command. First, move your cursor to the beginning of the text you
wish to block then press [Ctrl-M]. The character above the cursor
position will highlight. You then use the cursor keys, mouse or
other text positioning commands to highlight the text you wish to
block. Press [Enter] when the desired text is highlighted. Any
amount of text can be marked, with one exception; as a protection
device in TABLE editing mode, you cannot mark across row/column
boundaries. You are then given the following options, shown here
with the hot keys capitalized:
Copy/cuT/Delete block or
Uppercase/Lowercase/Juggle case/Height/Style?
The height and style options do not appear in FILE editing mode.
Select an action by pressing the highlighted hot key or picking
the choice with a mouse. The copy and cut options store the block
into a buffer, the cut and delete options delete the marked block,
and the remaining options affect only the text properties of the
marked block.
The simplest block operation is deleting a block. Press "D", and
it is gone. Copy and cut-and-paste operations are straightforward
as well. Press "C" to copy the marked block or "T" to cut out and
move the block. The copy and cut operations use a temporary
holding place called the block buffer to store the text. Any
prior contents of the block buffer is overwritten with new text
copied or cut. The stored block can later be inserted or written
to file.
To complete a copy or cut-and-paste operation, move cursor to the
position you want to paste the block and press [Ctrl-C]
{Block|Copy block}. The block will be inserted at the cursor
position, displacing any text to the right and below. To write
the stored block to a file, press [Ctrl-B] {Block|Write block} and
enter a filename. Optionally, you can add a drive and path name.
If you name an existing file, you will be asked if you want to
overwrite or append it.
CADET v4.0 47 User's Manual
Keep in mind that after pasting, the block still exists in the
block buffer. It remains there until another block is cut or
copied. This can be handy at times. Suppose you are writing some
notes where your company name, International Computer Aided
Drafting Services, Inc. appears several times. That's a lot of
typing. Type in the company name once, mark it and copy it into
the block buffer. Now, whenever you get to a place where the
company name is required, press [Ctrl-C] and the name is inserted.
Other block options are used to change properties of marked text
and do not affect the block buffer. Press "U", "L" or "J" to
change the text to upper case, lower case or juggle the case (swap
upper/lower case). The "H" and "S" options change the height and
style of AutoCAD text. Unlike the other options, height and style
changes affect the block on a line basis, changing both partially
and fully marked lines. AutoCAD does not allow two different
heights or styles to be mixed in a single text entity.
Search-and-replace replaces one text string with another. The
text string can be a character, word, phrase or complete line of
text. All text in the editor can be searched, and you can
selectively pick and choose the matches you wish to replace.
Most of the usual editing functions are available when entering
search strings. When repeating searches, the strings last entered
appear as defaults. Press [Enter] to accept the default, or type
in something different - the default string automatically clears
if the first key pressed is not a cursor key.
Press [Ctrl-R] {Search|Replace text} to start a search-and-replace
process. You are prompted for the old text string, enter the
string you wish to replace. Next, you are prompted for the new
text string. If you simply want to delete all occurrences of the
old string, leave the new string blank. The next prompt is for
three search options.
[ ] Ignore case [ ] Whole words [ ] Global search
The check boxes can be toggled on and off by picking it with a
mouse or pressing the hot key corresponding to the option. Press
"I" to toggle ignore case/case sensitive searching. Press "W" to
toggle whole word/embedded string searching. Press "G" to toggle
global/forward searching. Global searching scans the entire
document from the top, forward searching finds the first match
from the cursor position.
CADET v4.0 48 User's Manual
Now the search begins. Matches are highlighted as the function
presents you with the following options.
Replace? <Yes>/No/Quit/All
Pressing "N" for no causes the old text to be skipped without
change, and global searches continued. A "Y" response for yes (or
pressing [Enter]) causes the old text to be replaced by the new
text. Again, global searches are resumed. If you want to abort
the search, press "Q" for quit. During global searches, to
replace all matches with no further questions, press "A" for all.
Use care when using the "A" option. There is no undo function
available for replaces.
To simply find a word or phrase, use the [Ctrl-F] {Search|Find
text} command. It works much like the search-and-replace
function. Enter the string you're looking for and mark the
appropriate search options. As matches are found in global
searches, you are presented the following prompt.
Find another? <Yes>/No
Press "N" to abort the search. To find the next match, press "Y"
or [Enter].
You can quickly change your text case, text height, or text style
on a line-by-line or global basis. These commands all work
similarly - they first ask if you want to perform the change to
the line or document. If you choose Line, the change is made only
to the current line. If you choose Document, the change is made
globally to all text in the editor. You can undo a change to a
line by pressing [Esc], but not a global change to the document.
Changing the text case is simple, press [Ctrl-U] {Change|Upper
case} to change to upper case, [Ctrl-L] {Change|Lower case} to
change to lower case, or [Ctrl-J] {Change|Juggle case} to juggle
(switch) the case.
The text height of the line at the cursor position is displayed on
the status line. To change text height, press [Ctrl-H]
{Change|Height} and respond to the prompt for line or document.
You then enter the new text height as a real (decimal) number (no
architectural units or fractions). If you should enter an invalid
number, the entry is cleared and the prompt repeats. Press
[Enter] when you've finished your entry. To protect AutoCAD's
intent, you cannot change the height of fixed-height text styles.
CADET v4.0 49 User's Manual
To change the text font style, press [Ctrl-S] {Change|Style} and
respond to the prompt for line or document. A pick list window of
all currently defined text styles appears, sorted by alphabetical
order. Use the cursor keys to highlight the desired style and
press [Enter], or use a mouse to pick it.
In TABLE and NOTES editing mode, you can change the text line
spacing globally with the [Ctrl-N] {Change|Line space} command.
When prompted to enter a new spacing, the current spacing is shown
as the default. Enter the spacing as a real (decimal) number (no
architectural units or fractions). If an invalid number is
entered, the prompt repeats. [Ctrl-N] will not allow you to
change the spacing when using the Auto spacing option, since the
Auto feature scales the spacing on the basis of the text heights
of individual lines.
You can import and export text to and from the editor with the
[Ctrl-X] {Tools|External files} command. Select Import to read
text into the editor, or Export to write it out to file. You are
then prompted to supply the name of the file to be read or
written. Optionally, you may add a drive and path name. In the
import command, you can select files from a pick list - see the
PICK LIST section for details. If you name an existing file when
exporting, you will be asked if you want to overwrite it or append
You can use import in any Cadet editing mode, being limited only
by the amount of space which is or can be made available. The
imported text is inserted into the editor beginning at the current
line. If you have multiple columns, the text is inserted either
row-by-row or column-by-column, depending on your current sort
order. If there is insufficient room or memory, the imported text
is truncated and a warning is issued.
For normal text exports in TABLE and MIXED editing modes, the
contents of the editor are written out in the current sort order.
Be sure and sort the text as required with the editor's [Ctrl-O]
command before exporting. In all editing modes except FILE,
AutoCAD special characters are translated to the appropriate "%%"
codes as the text is written out to file.
In TABLE editing mode, you have an export option to write comma
delimited data files. Each table cell is enclosed by double
quotes in a format suitable for importing into a spreadsheet or
data base. Existing double quotes in the text are stripped out.
CADET v4.0 50 User's Manual
When you use the editor just for the purpose of exporting text
from AutoCAD, it is simplest to exit Cadet with the [Ctrl-Q]
command. That way the Cadet interface will not have to inspect
each line of text for changes.
To print the document from Cadet, use the [Ctrl-Y] {Tools|Print
hard copy} command. The default printer port, LPT1, can be
changed by the CADETIN Installation/Configuration program. The
contents of the editor are sent to the printer as is, with no
additional formatting. A form feed is issued at the end to eject
the last page. You can press [Esc] at any time to stop printing.
Cadet's integrated spelling checker has a 112,000+ word
dictionary. To check spelling, use the [Ctrl-P] {Tools|Spell
check} command. You have the option of checking the current word
or globally checking the document. Hint: To spell check entire
drawings, try the Cadet-Edit Global (CEG) interface.
When questionable spellings are found, you are presented with the
following prompt.
Unrecognized. <Suggest spell>/Edit word
/Add to dictionary/Ignore all/skip Once:
Press "E" to edit the word, the new spelling will be automatically
rechecked. To add the word to the dictionary, press "A". Be
careful with this option, verify spellings before you add them to
the dictionary. Press "I" if you want to ignore the word and all
its future occurrences, or press "O" to skip and ignore the word
just once.
Press "S" or [Enter] to select from a list of suggested words. A
pick list of up to eighteen words is presented. Use the cursor
keys to highlight the correctly spelled word and press [Enter], or
use a mouse to pick it. The options to edit, ignore or add the
word to the dictionary are still available. If you do not see
your word in the list, use Edit to try a different spelling and
ask for suggestions again. This usually brings up some new words
in the list.
Although the default settings are usually satisfactory, Cadet's
spell checker cache can be adjusted. See the INSTALLATION chapter
for details. Registered users receive WordMgr, a utility program
used to maintain the dictionary. WordMgr can be used to remove
and add word lists in the dictionary.
CADET v4.0 51 User's Manual
Cadet's word wrap and paragraph reformat features are available in
both NOTES and FILE editing modes. The word wrap default can be
set on or off with the CADETIN Installation/Configuration program.
Word wrap occurs at the length of the longest line read. When
creating AutoCAD text with Cadet-Notes, you can set word wrap with
the Wrap justification option. You can turn word wrap on and off
or change the word wrap position with the [Ctrl-W] {Tools|Word
wrap} command. Enter the character position for word wrap's right
margin, or enter zero to turn word wrap off. The word wrap
position can not be set less than 10 characters from the left
As you enter text with word warp on, the text automatically breaks
at the closest word within the designated margins, and wraps to
the line below. If AutoIndent mode is on the line wraps to the
indentation level of the line above, otherwise the line wraps to
the home position. If Squeeze mode is active, excess spaces are
removed from each line before wrapping. See the EDITOR SETTINGS
section for more detail on AutoIndent and Squeeze. Automatic word
wrapping continues as long as you keep typing in new text.
To complete a paragraph, either skip a blank line or use the
[Enter] key to insert a hard carriage return. The [Ctrl-I] insert
line command also produces hard returns. Cadet uses these hard
returns as paragraph separators, and displays them on the screen
as solid rectangles. These hard return marks are visual aids
only, and are not permanent.
Automatic word wrap is only active when typing new lines of text.
When editing previously entered text, word wrap is only partially
automatic. Word wrap occurs only when the cursor passes the right
margin or the text line reaches its 255 character limit. If the
margins are disfigured after editing, you can use the reformat
command to restore the original neatness.
Reformat text with the [Ctrl-G] {Tools|Reformat group} command.
You can choose one of three text groups to reformat; Paragraph,
Document, and Remaining paragraph. If AutoIndent is inactive,
left margins are ignored. When AutoIndent is active, the left
margin is established by the indentation level of the second line
of the paragraph - leaving the format of leading indentations,
bulleted and numbered paragraphs intact. These rules are also
observed when documents are reformatted, paragraph boundaries are
honored. The Remaining paragraph option only formats from the
current line to the end of the paragraph, and indents each line to
match the current one.
CADET v4.0 52 User's Manual
Squeeze mode also affects reformatting. If Squeeze is active, all
excess spaces are removed during the reformat process. Left
margins are unaffected by Squeeze.
If you have paragraphs with differing right margins, change the
word wrap position and format them individually, rather than by
document. To merge paragraphs, remove the separators (hard
returns and blank lines) and reformat. Hard returns can be
removed with the [Del] or [BkSp] keys, and blanks lines may be
removed with the [Ctrl-D] delete line command.
Cadet's zoom function is a condensed 43/50 line text mode for
VGA/EGA displays. Normal text display is 80 columns by 25 lines.
VGA displays have an additional 50 line mode. EGA displays have a
corresponding 43 line mode. Use the [Ctrl-Z] {Display|Zoom
EGA/VGA} command to switch display modes. This is a toggle
command, executing it again returns you to the previous display
In Cadet's MIXED and TABLE multiple column editing modes, you can
view the position of text entities relative to one another with
the [Ctrl-V] {Display|View position} command. While you cannot
edit the text in this viewer, it should quickly orient you on the
row and column sorting scheme. Text may not be displayed in its
entirety - large tables and long text lines are truncated to fit
the screen. More lines can be seen in Cadet's Zoom mode. To exit
to normal editing mode, press [Esc].
To save your work but continue editing, press [F2] {Exit|Save}.
When finished, the normal method of leaving is the [Ctrl-E]
{Exit|Save and end} command, which automatically saves your
changes before exiting. Upon exiting, you are returned to the
environment from which you started - either DOS or AutoCAD. When
using Cadet to create and edit AutoCAD text, the drawing is
updated upon return.
Another method of leaving the editor is the [Ctrl-Q] {Exit|Quit}
command. Quit is an abort command, any changes since the last
save are discarded. Similar to AutoCAD's quit command, you are
prompted for confirmation when you quit the editor.
CADET v4.0 53 User's Manual
[Left] . . . Move left one space.
[Right] . . . Move right one space.
[Up] . . . . Move up one line.
[Down] . . . Move down one line.
[Enter] . . . Move down one line, inserting a new line and adding
a hard carriage return if insert mode is on.
Indents to same level as previous line if AutoIndent
is active, otherwise returns to the home position.
[Ctrl-Left] . Move left one word.
[Ctrl-Right] Move right one word.
[Home] . . . Move to the beginning of a text line, or top of a
[End] . . . . Move to the end of a text line, or bottom of a list.
[Tab] . . . . Move right to the next tab stop (see Smart and Fixed
Tabs). Pushes text right if insert mode is on.
[Shift-Tab] . In Fixed Tab mode, move left to the next tab stop.
[PgUp] . . . Move up one page.
[PgDn] . . . Move down one page.
[Ctrl-PgUp] {Search|Head of doc} Move to the top of the
[Ctrl-PgDn] {Search|End of doc} Move to the bottom of the
document (last line with text).
[Alt-B] . . . {Search|Col/row bot} In TABLE mode, move to the
bottom of the row or column.
CADET v4.0 54 User's Manual
[Alt-T] . . . {Search|Col/row top} In TABLE mode, move to the top
of the row or column.
[Alt-O] . . . AutoCAD %%o overscore toggle. represented on screen
as a bold upward pointing arrowhead.
[Alt-U] . . . AutoCAD %%u underscore toggle, represented on screen
as a bold downward pointing arrowhead.
[Alt-D] . . . AutoCAD %%d degrees symbol (°).
[Alt-P] . . . AutoCAD %%p plus/minus symbol (±).
[Alt-C] . . . AutoCAD %%c circle diameter symbol (φ).
[F1] . . . . {Display|Help screen} Display help.
[F2] . . . . {Exit|Save} Save text to file and continue editing.
[F10] . . . . Activate pull-down menus.
[Ins] . . . . Toggle insert/overwrite mode. In insert mode,
characters are inserted at the cursor position, and
[Enter] adds hard carriage returns and inserts new
lines. In overwrite mode, characters overwrite
existing characters.
[Esc] . . . . An UNDO command. [Esc] is used to abort pending
commands. [Esc] also can undo single line changes
before leaving the current line or using a global
[Del] . . . . Delete the character above the cursor.
[BkSp] . . . Delete the character to the immediate left of the
[Alt-A] . . . {Display|About Cadet} Displays CADET copyright
information screen.
CADET v4.0 55 User's Manual
[Ctrl-BkSp] . {Editing|Erase word} Delete the Word to the right
of the cursor. If the cursor is under a word, the
portion of the word above and to the right of the
cursor is deleted. Also deletes hard carriage
[Ctrl-End] . {Editing|Erase to end} Deletes text from cursor
position to the end of line.
[Ctrl-Home] . {Editing|Erase to home} Deletes text from the
cursor to the beginning of the line.
[Ctrl-A] . . {Editing|Erase all} Erase entire line of text.
[Ctrl-B] . . {Block|Write block} Write the block buffer to file.
[Ctrl-C] . . {Block|Copy block} Copy (paste) the block from the
block buffer. The buffer must first be filled using
the [Ctrl-M] command. Text to the right of the
cursor is displaced.
[Ctrl-D] . . {Editing|Delete line} Deletes text line or, in
TABLE mode, your choice of line or row. Text below
is pulled up.
[Ctrl-E] . . {Exit|End} End, save changes.
[Ctrl-F] . . {Search|Find text} Find text string. Choose Ignore
case, Whole words, and/or Global search.
[Ctrl-G] . . {Tools|Reformat group} Reformat group; Document,
Paragraph, or Remaining paragraph. Available in
NOTES and FILE editing modes.
[Ctrl-H] . . {Change|Height} Change AutoCAD text height in line
or document.
[Ctrl-I] . . {Editing|Insert line} Inserts a new line or, in
TABLE mode, your choice of line or row. Text below
is pushed down.
[Ctrl-J] . . {Change|Juggle case} Juggles upper case to lower
case and lower case to upper case, choose line or
[Ctrl-L] . . {Change|Lower case} Change text to lower case,
choose line or document.
CADET v4.0 56 User's Manual
[Ctrl-M] . . {Block|Mark block} Mark a text block. Cut and
paste, copy or delete the block, or change its case,
height or style. Copied and cut blocks are moved
into a buffer. The block can be inserted (pasted)
into another position with the [Ctrl-C] copy block
command or written out to a text file with the
[Ctrl-B] write block command.
[Ctrl-N] . . {Change|Line space} Change AutoCAD text line
spacing in NOTES and TABLE editing modes.
[Ctrl-O] . . {Display|Sort order} Change COL/ROW sort order in
TABLE editing mode, COL/ROW/PICK order in MIXED
editing mode.
[Ctrl-P] . . {Tools|Spell check} Check spelling of word or
document. When questionable spellings are found,
you may choose to edit the word, add the word to the
dictionary, ignore all occurrences of the word,
ignore the word once, or select from suggested
[Ctrl-Q] . . {Exit|Quit} Quit, abandon any changes since last
[Ctrl-R] . . {Search|Replace text} Search-and-Replace text.
Choose Ignore case, Whole words, and/or Global
[Ctrl-S] . . {Change|Style} Change AutoCAD text style of line or
document. Choose from pick list of all defined
[Ctrl-TA] . . {Options|AutoIndent} Turns AutoIndent mode on or
[Ctrl-TM] . . {Options|Tab mode} Select Smart Tabs or Fixed Tabs.
[Ctrl-TQ] . . {Options|Squeeze} Set Squeeze word wrap mode on or
[Ctrl-TS] . . {Options|Tab size} Set tab size for Fixed Tab stops
and translation during file read.
[Ctrl-TT] . . {Options|Type speed} Toggle the typematic rate
accelerator from Slow to Medium to Fast speed.
[Ctrl-U] . . {Change|Upper case} Change text line or document to
upper case.
CADET v4.0 57 User's Manual
[Ctrl-V] . . {Display|View position} View relative text
positions in TABLE and MIXED editing modes. Press
[Esc] to exit.
[Ctrl-W] . . {Tools|Word wrap} Set Word-Wrap position in NOTES
and FILE editing modes. Zero turns word-wrap off.
[Ctrl-XE] . . {Tools|External files|Export} Export document to
file. In TABLE editing mode you have an option to
write in comma delimited format.
[Ctrl-XI] . . {Tools|External files|Import} Import an ASCII text
file into the editor.
[Ctrl-Y] . . {Tools|Print hard copy} Prints hard copy of
[Ctrl-Z] . . {Display|Zoom EGA/VGA} Zoom in/out of VGA/EGA
condensed 8x8 font text mode. VGA displays 50
lines, EGA displays 43 lines.
CADET v4.0 58 User's Manual
This section illustrates most of the problems which can occur when
initially setting up Cadet, or after making changes to your disk
directories or hardware. You should begin by first reviewing the
INSTALLATION chapter of this manual, then trying some of the
solutions shown below before calling for technical support.
Chances are, the solution is simple, and in many cases can be
accomplished by merely reinstalling Cadet.
If you get something other than Cadet's AutoLISP interfaces after
entering one of the Cadet command names, you probably have a name
conflict with some other function or command. To correct this,
If you see the message "Insufficient memory -- AutoLISP disabled."
when you execute a 286 version of AutoCAD, you probably have too
many TSR (Terminate and stay resident) programs loaded. You will
need to eliminate one or more of them if you wish to use AutoLISP
If you are running a 286 version of AutoCAD and getting messages
like "insufficient node space" or "insufficient string space" when
trying to execute the Cadet lisp routines, you have inadequate
memory set aside for the lisp programs you have loaded. In most
cases this can be corrected by either:
1) using Cadet's memory management (see INSTALLATION),
2) adding a (vmon) command to the top of your ACAD.LSP file,
3) modifying your LISPHEAP and LISPSTACK settings,
4) using Extended AutoLISP (R10+ 286 versions), or
5) hardware permitting, upgrading to AutoCAD 386.
Check your AutoLISP Programmer's Reference and AutoCAD
Installation and Performance Guide for details on AutoCAD memory
In cases, Cadet's demand loading routine for an AutoCAD interface
will say "Loading...", but then fall into a circular loop until it
is cancelled by the user or the AutoLISP stack is exhausted,
producing a "LISPSTACK overflow" message. This results from
missing or improper settings of either the CADETL AutoLISP
directory variable or the CADETB AutoLISP version variable. See
the CONFIGURATION VARIABLES section for more information.
CADET v4.0 59 User's Manual
The Cadet interfaces may start up all right, but after writing to
the editor a message "Unknown command. Type ? for list of
commands" is displayed. First, make sure your ACAD.PGP file is
intact and includes the Cadet command lines described in the
installation chapter. More often than not, this is an indication
that you have more than one ACAD.PGP file in your system, and you
installed Cadet into one AutoCAD is not using. Check your drawing
directory and other support directories for ACAD.PGP duplicates.
The simplest fix is to use the CADETIN Installation/Configuration
program, which scans your hard drives to find all duplicates, and
install Cadet in each.
Similar to the above problem, after writing to the editor an error
message "bad command or file name" may be displayed. This
indicates that the Cadet command lines in your ACAD.PGP file have
no path or the wrong path to CADET. See the section titled MANUAL
INSTALLATION (OPTIONAL) for an example of how these command lines
should look. Edit the command lines or use the CADETIN program to
correct the paths.
Another problem occurs when Cadet reports "Transfer file not
found." This is a result of an improperly set CADETD variable,
CADET environmental variable, or a disk full problem. See the
INSTALLATION and CONFIGURATION section, and review your directory
and path setup.
Memory problems surface when DOS reports "EXEC failure" or "Cannot
execute CADET.EXE", or when Cadet reports "Insufficient memory."
These messages indicate that you must allocate more memory for
Cadet to run. Since Cadet runs in conventional memory, there are
two issues involved. One, the amount of conventional memory which
is available before AutoCAD is run. Two, the amount of that
memory which AutoCAD is releasing to shell applications such as
Cadet. First, we discuss the available memory, then discuss
methods of getting AutoCAD to release more of it.
A significant amount of conventional memory is often consumed by
TSR programs. Some are absolutely necessary; mouse drivers,
network drivers, and the like. Others are used occasionally, if
at all, and are candidates for elimination or unloading. Many
well behaved TSRs have the ability to unload themselves from
memory (if loaded last), these can be unloaded before starting
AutoCAD, then reloaded afterwards. Another way to reclaim memory
consumed by TSRs, hardware permitting, is to use MS-DOS 5 and/or a
memory manager, such as QEMM, to load TSRs into high memory (above
640K). MS-DOS 5 can also load DOS itself high for a significant
gain in conventional memory.
CADET v4.0 60 User's Manual
The methods of getting AutoCAD to release more memory to its shell
applications vary depending on which version of AutoCAD is being
used. Some require a simple reconfiguration, others require
utility programs or updating AutoCAD.
If your installation uses a 286 version of AutoCAD, you can
increase the memory it releases by increasing the memory reserve
figures in the Cadet command lines in your ACAD.PGP file(s). Try
raising the memory reserve 25000 bytes at a time, retesting after
each change.
CADET!,C:\CADET\CADET /A,325000,,0
With AutoCAD 386 you always get the maximum amount of memory for
shell programs regardless of the ACAD.PGP memory reserve.
Unfortunately, there is some memory which the DOS extender does
not release, as much as 200K in some cases. The best solution for
AutoCAD 386 R11 is to use Autodesk's NEWDX utility to update the
Phar Lap Extender with a newer, smaller kernel version. NEWDX is
shipped, but not installed, with R11 revision c2, and is available
from dealers and CompuServe's ACAD forum.
Another solution works with any version of AutoCAD 386 and can be
used in addition to NEWDX. This involves using a shell utility
designed to recover memory from the DOS extender. There are at
least two commercial applications which can do this, and one named
SHROOM (Shell Room) which AutoDESK ships with R11. A shareware
version of SHROOM can be found in CompuServe's ACAD forum. Oddly,
with one of the commercial utilities you actually need to decrease
the CADET! commands' memory reserve before it will function - try
a setting of about 64,000 bytes, you will get more.
Occasionally, you may see Cadet report changing lines of text
which you pulled into the editor but did not edit. This is due to
either minor realignments in text positioning, or Cadet's
translation of "%%" character codes.
When translating back to the drawing, lowercase is used for the
code letters (for example, %%u). If you had originally entered
the code letter as uppercase, a change is reported. Portions of
the Cadet translation feature can be disabled, see the chapters
CADET v4.0 61 User's Manual
To emulate a mouse when outside of AutoCAD, some digitizers
provide utility programs which must be executed before and/or
after a program run through AutoCAD's shell. You can access these
for use with Cadet through the use of the CADET4.BAT batch file,
located in the Cadet directory, which is created during Cadet
The CADET4.BAT file has commands to execute and pass parameters to
Cadet, but you must edit it to add the utility commands specific
to your digitizer. Command lines which execute your digitizer
utilities should include the full path name to the program.
An example CADET4.BAT is shown below. A Summagraphics digitizer
is being used which requires that its MMRST program be run with a
/1 parameter after the editor is executed. The Summagraphics
utilities are located in a directory named C:\SUMMA. The first
two lines in the CADET4.BAT file already existed and are not
For your particular service, refer to your digitizer documentation
to see which included utilities must be executed before or after
an application. Next, run the CADETIN Installation/Configuration
program and choose the batch file option, or modify your ACAD.PGP
files(s) to change the Cadet command lines to call the CADET4.BAT
file instead of CADET.EXE. For example:
CADET!,C:\CADET\CADET4 /A,300000,,0
With certain digitizers, the AutoCAD cross-hairs may lock up after
using mouse emulation in an application run through AutoCAD's
shell such as Cadet. In such cases, the COM ports must be reset
upon returning to AutoCAD. Cadet can automatically reset the COM
ports in all its interfaces which call the Cadet editor. This
option is controlled by the CADETC variable, which can be
configured by the CADETIN program.
If you are using Cadet's automated COM port reset and the Cadet
interfaces fail just as they return to AutoCAD, you need to rerun
the CADETIN program. CADETIN needs to know if your AutoCAD
plotter driver is set to "None" or a plotter in order to configure
Cadet's COM port reset correctly.
CADET v4.0 62 User's Manual
ACAD.LSP . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 59
ACAD.PGP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 9, 13, 14, 60, 61
ACAD environmental variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
accelerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 37, 57
adding words to dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 51, 57
Alt-A (about Cadet) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 55
Alt-B (column/row bottom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 54
Alt-C (circle dia. symbol) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 55
Alt-D (degrees symbol) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 55
Alt-O (overscore symbol) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 55
Alt-P (plus/minus symbol) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 55
Alt-T (column/row top) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 55
Alt-U (underscore symbol) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 55
attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 30, 31, 35, 38, 41
AutoIndent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 38, 52, 54, 57
AutoCAD versions . . . . . . . . . . .5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 59, 60
Backspace (BkSp) key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 53, 55
blank lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 45, 52, 53
block, AutoCAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 30, 38, 41
block, text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 47, 48, 56, 57
block buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 48, 56, 57
cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 51
Cadet command line menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Cadet editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 35, 54
CADET.CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 10, 13
CADET.LSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15
Cadet-AlignText (CA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 19, 32, 34
Cadet-Create Table (CC) . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 24, 29, 35, 37
Cadet-Edit (CE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 17, 30, 31, 34, 35
Cadet-Edit Attributes (CEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 30, 35
Cadet-Edit Global (CEG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 31, 35, 51
Cadet-Edit Notes (CEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 33, 35
Cadet-Edit Table (CET) . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 17, 19, 31, 35
Cadet-External File (CX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 18, 35
Cadet-Import (CI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 27
Cadet-JustifyText (CJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 19, 32, 34
Cadet-MultiText (CM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 21
Cadet-Notes (CN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 23, 29, 35, 52
Cadet-PlusText (CP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 20
Cadet-Restore (CR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 13, 18, 34
Cadet-SetText (CS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 20, 21
CADETB variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 59
CADETC variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 62
CADETD variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 11, 12
CADETL variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 59
CADET v4.0 63 User's Manual
CADETM variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 18
CADETP variable . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 29
CADETR variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 18, 34
CADETS variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 18, 32, 33, 41
CADETT variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 18, 32, 33, 41
case, text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 48, 49, 56, 57
change line spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 33, 50, 57
change sort order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 41, 57
change text case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 48, 49, 56, 57
change text height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 56
change text style . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 41, 47, 48, 49, 57
character codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 38, 50, 55, 61
colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 40, 41
column . 7, 8, 17, 19, 31, 36, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55
COM port reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 62
commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 15, 16, 35, 36, 39, 40, 54
configuration variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 18
conflicts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 14
coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 8, 18, 41
copy block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 56, 57
create text interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 23, 24, 27
Ctrl-A (erase all current line) . . . . . . . . . . 35, 42, 43, 56
Ctrl-B (write block to file) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 56
Ctrl-C (copy/paste block) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 48, 56
Ctrl-D (delete line) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 53, 56
Ctrl-E (end/save) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 53, 56
Ctrl-F (find text) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 56
Ctrl-G (reformat group) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 52, 56
Ctrl-H (text height) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 56
Ctrl-I (insert line) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 52, 56
Ctrl-J (juggle case) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 56
Ctrl-L (lower case) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 56
Ctrl-M (mark block) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 47, 56, 57
Ctrl-N (line spacing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 57
Ctrl-O (sort order) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 50, 57
Ctrl-P (spell check) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 57
Ctrl-Q (quit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 53, 57
Ctrl-R (search-&-replace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 57
Ctrl-S (text style) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 57
Ctrl-T (set editor options) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 57
Ctrl-U (upper case) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 57
Ctrl-V (view relative position) . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 53, 58
Ctrl-W (set word wrap) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 58
Ctrl-X (external file import/export) . . . . . . . . . 29, 50, 58
Ctrl-Y (print hard copy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 58
Ctrl-Z (zoom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 58
Ctrl-BkSp (delete word) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 43, 56
CADET v4.0 64 User's Manual
Ctrl-End (delete to end of line) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 56
Ctrl-Home (delete to beginning of line) . . . . . . . . . . 42, 56
Ctrl-Left (word left) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 54
Ctrl-PgDn (go to last line) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 54
Ctrl-PgUp (go to first line) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 54
Ctrl-Right (word right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 54
cursor keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 35, 54
cut & paste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 56, 57
degrees symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 38, 55
delete block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 57
delete (Del) key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 43, 53, 55
delete line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 53, 56
delete word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 43, 56
diameter symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 38, 55
dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 11, 13, 51, 57
digitizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 13, 62
directory path . . . . . 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 41, 47, 50, 60
document . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 36, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54
edit text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 17, 18, 35
elevation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 23, 25, 28, 41
end command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 53, 56
End key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 40, 54
Enter key . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 39, 40, 45, 45, 47, 52, 54
entities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 35
erase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 43, 56
Esc key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 40, 42, 43, 45, 49, 51, 55
exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 36, 38, 39, 40, 53, 56, 57
export text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 58
extended AutoLISP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 7, 59
F1 function key (help) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 36, 55
F2 function key (save) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 36, 53, 55
F10 function key (pull-down menu) . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 38, 55
FILE editing mode . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47, 52
find-text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 49, 56
fixed height text style . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 23, 25, 28, 49
global . . . . .6, 17, 31, 35, 41, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55
height, text . . . . . . . .8, 21, 23, 25, 28, 38, 41, 49, 50, 56
help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 36, 55
Home key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 40, 54
hot-key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 39, 40, 47, 48
import text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 27, 50, 58
insert text block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 48, 56
Insert key/insert mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 55
insert line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 52, 56
insert point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 32, 33, 34, 41
juggle case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 48, 49, 56
justification, text . . .7, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 27, 32, 33, 37, 52
CADET v4.0 65 User's Manual
line spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 22, 24, 33, 38, 50, 57
line, text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
loading Cadet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 10, 15, 59
local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 42
mark text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 47, 57
match . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 48
memory management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 18, 59
menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 55
MIXED editing mode . . . . . . 17, 30, 35, 38, 41, 43, 45, 50, 53
mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 13, 35, 36, 38, 40, 47, 48, 62
network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
NOTES editing mode . . . . . . 16, 23, 33, 35, 38, 43, 45, 50, 52
order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 38, 41, 43, 45, 50, 57
overscore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 55
overwrite mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 37, 45, 55
Page-Down (PgDn) key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 40, 54
Page-Up (PgUp) key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 40, 54
paths . . . . . . . . . . 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 41, 47, 50, 60
pick list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 36, 40, 50, 51
PICK order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 57
plus or minus symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 38, 55
print hard copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 55
prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 38, 41
protected AutoLISP file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
pull-down menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 36, 38, 55
quit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 53, 57
ram disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
reformat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 33, 37, 52, 56
replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 57
restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 13, 18, 34
row . . . . . . . 7, 8, 31, 36, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55
save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 37, 53, 55, 56
scroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 40
search-and-replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 57
settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
shortcut commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 16
shortcut keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 54
sort order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 38, 41, 43, 45, 50, 57
sorting coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 8, 18, 41
special characters . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 27, 38, 50, 55, 61
spell check . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 11, 13, 31, 40, 41, 51, 57
Squeeze mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 38, 52, 53, 57
status lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 38
style, text . . . . . . . . 20, 21, 24, 26, 38, 41, 47, 48, 49, 57
support path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 15
symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 38, 55
system requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
CADET v4.0 66 User's Manual
Tab keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 36, 37, 54
tab mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 38, 57
tab size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 38, 57
table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 16, 17, 24, 27, 31
TABLE editing mode . . . . . . 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, 45, 47, 50, 53
table tolerance factor, CADETT . . . . . . . . .8, 18, 32, 33, 41
text files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 17, 18, 27
text pitch factor, CADETP . . . . . . . .8, 18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 29
text restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 13, 18, 34
transfer files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 12, 60
translate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 37, 50, 61
typematic rate accelerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 37, 57
underscore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38, 55
undo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 43, 45, 49, 55
view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 53, 58
wildcards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 41
word wrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 33, 37, 52, 56
zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53, 58
CADET v4.0 67 User's Manual